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2004年1月5日12:09  搜狐体育
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CONTEST RULES I Competition Method Each bout consists of three, three minutes of each round with ninety seconds rest in-between.The winner is the first fighter who receives more points. II Eligibilits 1.Athletes shall provide the citizenship proof of theirs country. 2.Athletes shall provide declaration of healthy within 20 days of the right including EKG, blood pressure and heart rate. 3.Athletes shall be at least 18 years old. Include 18. 4.Athletes shall provide proofof insurance covering this competition, as well as a certificate of approval from a medical expert. III Weight Categories Man : 1.58kg (more than 54kg-less than 58kg) (58kg include) 2.62kg (more than 58kg-less than 62kg) (62kg include) 3.66kg (more than 62kg-less than 66kg) (66kg include) 4.71kg (more than 66kg-less than 71kg) (71kg include) 5.76kg (more than 71kg-less than 76kg) (76kg include) Woman : 55kg (≤55kg) IV Weighting In 1.All athletes meeting eligibility requirements shall proceed to weight-in. 2.Identification shall be provided at weight-in. 3.The chief recorder, under the supervision of an arbitration committee member shall conduct weigh-in. 4.Athletes shall weigh-in 24hours prior to the competition, Athletes may be unclothed or dressed in shorts. 5.Weight-in shall be completed with in one hour, beginning with the ligher weight categories, it’s allowed 1kg exceed or fewer the weight range. Athletes who fail to make weight shall be granted two hours to reduce weight, and will be reweighted in two hours. Athletes who fail to make weight in the category that they are entered in, with this two-hour time frame, regarded as waive right, the oppnent win. V Attire 1.Athletes shall wearing shorts, self provided tooth protection and groin cup, The groin cup shall be worn inside the shorts. 2.Competition gloves limited to black and red in color. 3.Glove weight shall be 10 ounces. VI Protocol in Competition 1.Athleres shall abide by the rules, respect and obey the referee. Disruptive actions shall not be allowed. 2.Each athletes may be accompanied by up to a total of three coaches and assistants. The assistants shall be seated or standing at the appointed area. Communication to the athletes shall not be disruptive to the competition. When rest in-between ,two assistants may get onto the boxing stage. 3.Coaches and assistants may give instructions and massage between rounds, but oxygen shall not be administered. 4.Oxygen tanks and stretchers are located at the medical supervisors position. 5.With the exceptionof an exception, athletes shall not exit the competion area prior to the announcement of the result. 6.Athletes shall not use any stimulants. VII Forfeiture During the competition, if the participant skill level differs significantly, the losing athlete’s coach may throw in the towel to signify forfeiture in order to protect his athlete my also raise his hand and request forfeiture. VIII Techniques Offensive and defensive punches, kicks, throws and knee strikes are allowed. IX Scoring Area Head, torso, and legs. X Prohibiting Area Hind brain, throat, crotch. XI Prohibited Techniques 1.Head butts, elbow joint lock techniques. 2.Techniques which cause the opponent to land head first. 3.Strike the opponent who’s fell down. 4.Techniques which use knee to strike the opponent’s head. XII Pints awarded 1.2 points (a)Once a contestant has fallen, the standing athleeete receives two points. (b)Use of kicking techniques on the opponent’s torso. (c)Mandatory 8 counts, each occurrence, the other contestant receives 2 points. (d)Warning, each occurrence, the other contestant receives 2 points. 2.1 point: (a)Striking to the opponent’s scoring are using hand techniques. (b)Striking to the opponent’s leg or head using leg-techniques. (c)If an athlete is passive for 8 seconds, he will receive a reminder from the referee. For the next 8 passive seconds, the opponent is awarded 1 point. (d)The opponent receives one point for each admoniton. 3.No points: (a)Unclear techniques where the affect in not evident. (b)Both contestants have fallen (on or off the plantform) at the some time. (c)Simultaneous punches or kicks. (d)Voluntary ground falling techniques. (e)Striking while clinching. XIII Violations & Penalties 1.Technique Violations (a) Negative Clinching. (b) Request time out when one is in unfavorable condition. (c)Disobedience to the referee. (d)Deliberately exceeding the bout time. (e)Disobedience to the etiquette. 2.Offend violations (a)Attacking before the command “Kasha” aurora after the command “Tight”. (b)Use of administered oxygen of stimulants between rounds shall result in ejection from the competition. (c)The use of prohibited techniques. 3.Penalties (a)For each technique violations, admonishment is given. (b)For each Offend violations, a warning is given. (c)8 cumulative penalty points shall result in the violator’s ejection from the bout. (d)Any malicious harm to the opener shall result in the violator’s ejection from the bout. (e)Use of administered oxygen of stimulants between rounds will result in ejection from the competition. XIV Time Out 1.Athlete fallen of out of the platform. 2.Athlete receiving penalties for violation. 3.Injury. 4.Clinching for 2 seconds without offensive technique. 5.Interference in the major force. XV Decisions 1.Absolute victory (a)Significant disparity in the skill level of the participant, the superior athlete shall be the winner. (b)Athlete knocked down a by a blow, the opponent is the winner. (c)Physician determines that the athlete is not physically flat for competition due to injury or illness. The opponent shall be the winner. 2.At the conclusion of each round, the comer judge core shall determine the winner of the round. 3.In the case of a tie in a round. (a)the athlete with the least warning shall be the winner. (b)the athlete with the least admonition shall be the winner. (c)the lighter weight of two contestants shall be the winner. 4.If the physician examination provides evidence off feign injury after the opponent’s foul, the opponent shall be the winner. 5.If the physician’s examination providence of injury which disables the athlete from continuing the contest due to the opponents foul, the injured athlete shall be the winner. Xvi Area This competition using the standard boxing platform. XVII Other 1.There are 2 chief referees, 2 referees on stage, 3 referees round the stage. All referees judge the contest take turns. 2.If the athlete’s injury confirmed by the doctor, the contest may stop.
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