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Rules of 2004 ANA Beijing International Marathon

SPORTS.SOHU.COM  2004年9月14日11:22  搜狐体育
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林志玲裸照热卖 章子怡秀纱裙

  I. Main organizer

  Chinese Athletic Association

  II. Time and Location of the tournament

  Oct.17th, 2004 in Beijing. Starting time: 8:31 a.m.

  III. Events

  M/F: marathon (42.195km), half marathon (21.0975km), 10-km race, mini marathon (5km). National marathon cup only has M/F marathon (42.195km).

  IV. Course of the race

  The race starts from Tiananmen Square, passes Xicheng, Haidian and Chaoyang district, ends at the Olympic Sports Centre (ending line).

  V. How to sign up

  A. Age limit

  1. Marathon: over 18(born after Dec.31st, 1986)

  2. Half marathon: over 16(born after Dec.31st, 1988)

  3. 10-km race: over 15(born after Dec.31st, 1989)

  4. Mini marathon: over 13(born after Dec.31st, 1991)

  B. How to sign up

  1. An athlete could sign up in person or in a group, and each athlete must fill a sign-up.

  2. Provinces and cities, clubs, companies, factories and schools could sign up in groups.

  3. There is no sign-up limit in marathon and half marathon events.

  4. The sign-up limit is 7000 for 10-km race and 6000 for mini marathon. No extra sign-up is allowed.

  C. Deadline for signing up: Sep. 28th

  D. Sign-up fee

  1. Foreign athlete: 60 US dollars each

  2. Chinese athlete: 30 Yuan RMB each. Athletes registered in Chinese Athletic Association could sign up for free.

  3. Signing up after deadline: foreign athlete-100 US dollars each, Chinese athlete-100 Yuan RMB.

  E. Where to sign up

  1. Registered athletes of Chinese Athletic Association: Training department, Track and Fields Centre, General Administration of Sports. Address: 4th Tiyuguan Road, Chongwen District, Beijing. Postal code: 100763. Tel/Fax.010-67140801.

  2. Foreign athletes could sign up in CTS head office, CITS head office or CTI Co. Ltd.

  a. Address of CTS head office: CTS Tower, 2nd East North Erhuan Road, Beijing. Postal code: 100028. Tel.(8610)64612572, Fax.(8610)64612576, 64612567. Website:

  b. Address of CITS head office: CITS Tower, 1st North Dongdan Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing. Postal code: 100005. Tel.(8610)65221638, 85228503, 85228515. Fax.(8610)65221651. Website:

  c. Address of CTI Co. Ltd: 6th East Chang'an Street, Beijing. Postal code: 100740. Tel.(8610)51019772. Fax.(8610)51019751.

  3. Beijing athletes could sign up in Beijing Long Run Club or Beijing Zhaoyue Sports Culture Communications Centre.

  a. Beijing Long Run Club Tel.010-62277565.

  b. Address of Beijing Zhaoyue Sports Culture Communications Centre: 11th Hufang Road, Xuanwumen, Beijing. Tel.(8610)63582029, 86836416. Fax.(8610)63582029. E-mail:

  4. Chinese athletes from other places could sign up at Beijing Mingzhu Travel Agency. Address: 42nd Dongjing Road, Xuanwu District, Beijing. Postal code: 100050. Tel.010-63014868, 63014288. Fax.010-63019634. E-mail:

  5. The organizer will not arrange accommodations, but Beijing Mingzhu Travel Agency is the authorized reception company, helping arrange the accommodations of all the athletes home and abroad and book tickets. All fare must be paid by athletes.

  VI. Rules of the tournament

  A. The latest IAAF rules are used.

  B. The athletes must check in at specific time according to different events.

  C. Starting sequence: Invited and CAA registered marathon athletes will start in the first squad, listed by the initials of the member of IAAF and provinces and cities, from left to right, other marathon athletes following. The rest events' starting line will be 50m behind.

  D. There will be only one starting shot. All the events will start at the same time.

  E. Ending distance and time

  5km/10km/half marathon/30km/35km/marathon

  25minutes/1 hour/2.5 hours/3.5 hours/4 hours and 10 minutes/5 hours

  F. A drug examination will be carried out.

  VII. Awards

  A. Marathon

  1. Sequence awards(in US dollar)

  The 1st to 10th athletes will get cash award(according to the table below), a cup and a medal

  Sequence 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

  Male 20000 8000 5000 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 750 500

  Female 15000 6000 4000 2000 1500 1200 1000 600 500 400

  2. Time awards(in US dollar)

  This award is distributed according to the highest award, an athletes will not get two or more awards at the same time.


  a. Within 2 hours and 8 minutes, 15000 US dollars

  b. Within 2 hours and 9 minutes, 10000 US dollars

  c. Within 2 hours and 10 minutes, 5000 US dollars

  3. Record Awards(in US dollar)

  The athlete who creates the match record of Beijing International Marathon Tournament will get 42195 US dollars(male)/30000 US dollars(female). Chinese athletes will get RMB for the same value.

  4. National Marathon Champion Award(in RMB): This award will only be distributed to registered athletes, who has not got any of the awards above.

  a. Male: within 2 hours and 15 minutes, female: within 2 hours and 35 minutes, 5000 Yuan

  b. Male: within 2 hours and 20 minutes, femail: within 2 hours and 40 minutes, 3000 Yuan

  5. Athletes who complete the course in time limit will be distributed a cetificate, a shirt, a memorial medal and bathtowel.

  6. Athletes who joined the match will all be distributed a number cloth and a clothing bag.

  B. Half Marathon

  1. The 1st to 10th athletes will get a cup, a medal and a Nike shirt

  2. The 1st to 100th athletes will get a memorial medal.

  3. Athletes who complete the course in time limit will be distributed a cetificate and a shirt(time filled according to the timer).

  4. Athletes who joined the match will all be distributed a number cloth and a clothing bag.

  C. 10-km Race

  1. Athletes who joined the match will all be distributed a number cloth, a memorial shirt and a clothing bag.

  2. Athletes who complete the course in time limit will be distributed a cetificate(time filled according to the timer).

  D. Mini Marathon

  1. Athletes who joined the match will all be distributed a number cloth, a memorial shirt and a clothing bag.

  2. Athletes who complete the course in time limit will be distributed a cetificate(time filled according to the timer).

  VIII. A capital college students marathon challenge will be held.

  IX. Contact the organizing committee of Beijing "ANA SKY WEB" International Marathon Tournament

  Address: Track and fields centre, Gerenal Administration of Sport

  4th Tiyuguan Road, Chongwen District, Beijing

  Postal code: 100061

  Tel./Fax.010-67100719, Fax.010-67140801

  Website of China Athletic Web:

  Download Sign-up for 2004 ANA Beijing International Marathon

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