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A New Slowest Marathon World Record

SPORTS.SOHU.COM  2004年9月14日12:05  搜狐体育
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  British man Lloyd Scott made another slowest marathon world record on June 15th, 2003 by running more than 42 km in about six days. Scott, who had Leukemia himself, was not aiming at speed but raising money for Leukemia In Childhood.

  In Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, Scott, wearing a rubber diving-suit, finished the race in 6 days, 4 hours, 30 minutes and 56 seconds, comparing to spending about 5 days in activities alike in New York and London before. Because of slight food poisoning symptom midway, Scott had to keep dashing to the loo, which caused that new record.

  Often wearing a diving-suit weighing 60 kg and taking part in marathons all over the world, Scott enjoys the good name of “Walking Deep-Sea Diver” in Britain and other places.

  When passing the terminal point at a sports field in Edinburgh, Scott said to the reporters, “I feel good. It was a fantastic finish at the stadium. Everyone was on their feet clapping and we had a piper. It was a wonderful reception! Now I'm having a dram of whisky to celebrate.”

  Reporters from AFP noticed that Scott was rather tired though he was in high spirits.

  For Scott, marathons were like routines or even had become his “job”.

  Lloyd Scott

  Scott was born in 1961. He was so good at sports that he entered the football team and became a goalkeeper at the age of 19. After playing for several teams including English Youth team, he went back to London and became a firefighter.

  In a relief action in 1989, having inbreathed too much heavy smoke, Scott was sent to hospital and found out to have leukemia. At the same year, he successfully received a bone marrow transplant and got rid of the threat of losing his life.

  From then on, Scott had devoted himself to raising money for a charity for children with leukemia. He even risked his own life to fight for it.

  In 1993, Scott and his bone donor Andrew Burgess ran a marathon up the world’s highest mountain Mount Everest at the height of 5,485 m. In 1996, he completed 233 km at Sahara Desert in Africa. In 1998, soon after receiving the fourth surgery, Scott took part in “Death Valley ultra-marathon” in the US with a total length of 217 km.

  On April 13th, 2002, Scott made the slowest marathon world record in London in 5 days, 8 hours and 29 minutes.


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