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    搜狐体育讯 美国全挥PGA高尔夫(高尔夫新闻,高尔夫说吧)培训中心 答青少年父母和初学者问3——从哪方面开始学球

  3. 青少年球员的球技训练,首先应该注重什么?

  Greg Sheffield教练:



  Greg Sheffield:Because of the flexibility of teenagers they tend to get a little bit long with their golf swings. A result of having a golf swing that is too long is it becomes very difficult to synch up the arms and the body. Timing is an important component in the building of a consistent golf swing. If you look at most Tour player's golf swings you will see the club shaft does not go past parallel especially when hitting iron shots. The reason Tour players do this is because they know that the little bit of distance that would be gained with the added swing length will cost them dearly in direction. Junior golfers need to gain the feeling of being in control of the golf club throughout the entire swing. In order to do that they must keep the backswing under control.


     Greg Sheffield  格雷格- 谢菲尔德

    - 美国PGA

    - 1997年,转职业

    - Bloomington室内高尔夫俱乐部和 Bogies高尔夫俱乐部的业主

    - 10年高尔夫教学经验

    - 业余:2届奥古斯塔大学高尔夫校队 队长

    - 教学理念:高尔夫球技的进步应来自于对高尔夫运动全面的了解,而不要局限于挥杆,尽管挥杆非常



    向美国全挥PGA培训中心问问题,请将问题发到:PGA@fullswinggolf.com. 最好中英文的。

    * 全挥高尔夫模拟器是美国PGA Learning Center官方唯一指定的高尔夫模拟器。
    * Copyright © Full Swing Golf. Inc. All Rights Reserved.




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