克里斯-瑞纳 |
搜狐体育讯 克里斯•瑞纳
克里斯•瑞纳先生具有非常丰富的世界大型体育赛事的营销经验,他的成功足迹遍布欧洲、亚洲和美国。在ISL WorldWide(国际足联专属市场推广机构)工作的10年期间,克里斯得以经营各种体育营销项目,例如国际奥组委的顶级赞助商项目,FIFA世界杯和世界田径运动员锦标赛。在上世纪90年代中期,克里斯着手开拓ISL Worldwide亚太区业务,负责开发一些具有开拓性意义的项目,例如亚运会,“中国之队”,并且围绕中国男足进入2002年世界杯开发了许多新业务。
近期,赫利奥斯中国还帮助美国职业棒球联盟成功举办了2008 MLB中国赛,这是美国职业棒球大联盟在中国境内举行的第一场表演赛——洛杉矶道奇对阵圣迭戈圣女队。在此之前,赫利奥斯还2007年9月成为FIFA女足世界杯的市场合作伙伴。
Christopher Renner—President, Helios Partners China
With a successful track record in marketing some of the world’s biggest sporting events, Chris Renner has worked and delivered on projects in Europe, Asia and the United States.
During a ten year career with ISL Worldwide, Chris had the opportunity to market projects as diverse as the IOC’s TOP global sponsorship program, FIFA World Cup and the IAAF World Athletics Championships. During the mid-1990s, he developed ISL’s Asia Pacific business, overseeing the development and sales of groundbreaking marketing programs such as the Asian Games and the “Team China” program, developed around China’s successful qualification for the 2002 FIFA World Cup
Since 2002, Chris has overseen his own Beijing-based consulting agency, which specializes in providing strategic sports marketing expertise to corporations and sports federations doing business in Asia. The company has had a particular focus on consulting brands sponsoring the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Key clients over the past few years have included Lenovo (TOP), adidas (Beijing 2008), Volkswagen (Beijing 2008), FedEx (Chinese Badminton Association) and BenQ (UEFA EURO 2004, Real Madrid).
Most recently, Helios Partners China assisted Major League Baseball with the marketing of their first-ever MLB China Series 2008, pitting the LA Dodgers versus the San Diego Padres. This followed the firm’s successful work as FIFA’s marketing partner for the Women’s World Cup, taking place in China in September, 2007.
Chris is married with three children and resides in Beijing.
MBA: Anderson Graduate School of Management, UCLA, 1991
BA: University of Notre Dame, 1984
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