阿迪达斯搜狐体育 > 中国体育产业高峰论坛 > 高峰论坛嘉宾



    搜狐体育讯 作为阿迪达斯大中华区市场副总裁,毕宝元先生主要负责阿迪达斯在大中华区的整体品牌发展、市场战略及沟通。

  毕宝元先生在阿迪达斯已经工作了10年。他在阿迪达斯的职业生涯始于亚太区总部,在过去 7年中他主要负责阿迪达斯在大中华区的市场营销工作。他出生于美国华盛顿州的西雅图。在来上海工作之前他曾在伦敦,台北和香港居住过。


他统管阿迪达斯奥运营销的各个方面。最近,毕宝元先生和他的团队凭借奥运活动——“一起2008,没有不可能”获得在2008嘎纳国际广告节(2008 Cannes International Advertising Festival)金狮奖。这是中国第一次获此殊荣。


  Paul Pi is the Vice President of Marketing for adidas China. In this capacity, Paul is responsible for the overall brand direction, marketing strategy, and communications for adidas in China.

  Paul has been with adidas for 10 years, and started his career at adidas in the Asia Pacific Region headquarters. Since then, Paul has spent the last seven years heading up marketing for adidas in China. As a native of Seattle, Washington, Paul has also lived in London, Taipei, and Hong Kong, before working in Shanghai.

  Among other things, Paul has played an integral role in building the adidas brand into one of the most recognized partners of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. He has been overlooking all aspects of adidas’ Olympics marketing campaign. Paul and his team recently received global praise for adidas’ Olympic campaign ‘Together in 2008 – Impossible is Nothing’ which won China’s first ever Gold Lion at the 2008 Cannes International Advertising Festival.

  The adidas China marketing team is divided into Marketing Communications, Product Marketing, and Sports Marketing, with staff based in both Shanghai and Beijing.




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