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程益中 |
搜狐体育讯 程益中先生是中国当代著名报人和媒体资源整合和管理专家。
Cheng, Yizhong
Vice President of SEEC Media Group Ltd. & Executive Publisher of Sports Illustrated China
Panel Discussion: Sports Marketing in the Olympics Context --- Creative Solutions for Mutual Benefits of Media and Enterprises
Mr. Cheng, Yizhong is one of the most prestigious newspaperman of contemporary China and an expert of media integration and management.
Previously, Mr. Cheng successfully launched China’s two most influential dailies --- Southern Metropolitan News and The Bejing News . He was not only the Chief Editor, but also the spiritual leader of the two media.
In year 2005, UNESCO awarded him World Press Freedom prize for his unique contribution to the journalism career in China and appraised him as a conscientious journalist who suffers deeply for the political advancement of China.
·欧冠决赛盘口解读 巴萨赢面稍大 |
·段暄 |拜仁大投入这次是动真格 |
·徐江 |高洪波另类图片大派送 |
·孙贤禄 |高洪波组队思想值得赞同 |
·颜晓华 |科比队友什么时候可支持他 |
·冉雄飞 |老聂的嘴和山东鲁能的腿 |
·马寅 |陈忠和离开女排的日子 |
·陈书佳 |谢杏芳被叫阿姨 |
·张斌 |一场人和猫的伟大比赛 |
·马晓春 |俞斌的棋王是谁封的? |
热点标签:NBA 姚明 火箭 易建联 杜丽 CBA 郭晶晶 王治郅 刘翔 殷铁生 郎平 全明星 麦迪 于芬 欧冠 弗老大 年龄门