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黄健翔 |
China Global Sports Media Co., Ltd.
搜狐体育讯 1993年底进入中国中央电视台体育部。1995年起从事体育解说和主持人工作。同年,中央电视台推出体育频道,进入体育频道担任解说员和主持人,直到2006年11月。
2. 1995年8月起至2006年11月,担任德国足球甲级联赛直播节目的主持人和解说员。
3. 2000年9月起至2006年11月,担任意大利足球甲级联赛直播节目的主持人和解说员。
Mr. Huang entered CCTV sports department at the end of 1993, and started his career as a sports commentator and host in 1995. Later in the same year, he joined CCTV-5, and continued to work as a commentator and host until November of 2006.
Listed below are the important sports competitions and the nationwide influential TV programs Mr. Huang commentated, hosted or produced during his days in CCTV:
1. the commentator and host in the live broadcasting of three Olympics, the registered journalist and commentator of three FIFA World Cups, four times’ live coverage of the UEFA European Football Championship
2. Host and commentator of the transmission of the German Bundesliga, from the August of 1995 until the November of 2006;
3. Host and commentator of the transmission of the Lega Calcio Serie A, from the September of 2000 until the November of 2006.
Joined the Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV network in 2007 and hosted a talk show called "The Daily Games".
Hosted the "Olympics Talk Show" on Hunan TV during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
“The Annual Best TV Host of the 2007 the Innovative Award of China's Television
The Annual Charity Angel Award of 2007 given by the Forbes magazine on February 2008
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