吉姆•斯莫, 亚洲区副总裁;总监,MLB日本地区
搜狐体育讯 吉姆•斯莫作为亚洲区副总裁主要负责美国职业棒球大联盟在亚太地区的商业合作,主要包括:赛事、群众项目推广、赞助权以及电视转播的销售等业务。
直到2003年为止,斯莫 先生一直担任大联盟国际市场推广部的副总裁,任职期间主要负责通过群众体育推广和品牌营销来促进棒球的世界性推广。
Jim Small, Vice President, Asia; Managing Director, MLB Japan
As Vice President, Asia, Jim Small is responsible for MLB’s business initiatives throughout the Asia-Pacific region, including events, grassroots development, and sponsor and broadcasting sales.
Additionally, Small serves as Managing Director of MLB Japan, with responsibility for MLB’s Japan-based business.
Prior to assuming his current position in 2003, Small was Vice President of International Market Development. In that capacity he was responsible for the international growth of the game through grassroots and brand marketing. He also oversaw MLB’s international event business and was responsible for exhibition and regular season games featuring MLB teams in Latin America and Asia, including season opening games in Mexico, Japan and Puerto Rico.
A veteran of more than 20 years in the sports marketing industry, Small spent 14 years in public relations positions within baseball, including stints with the Kansas City Royals, Chicago Cubs, Texas Rangers and the Commissioner’s Office. From 1995 to 1998 he held a variety of global marketing positions at Nike, Inc., primarily focused on the company’s soccer brand. Small returned to baseball as VP International Market Development in August, 1998.
Small holds a B.A. in Journalism from the University of Kansas and an MBA in Finance from Fordham University in New York.
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