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  英国谢菲尔德大学 体育产业研究中心主任 克里斯•格雷顿 先生

    搜狐体育讯 克里斯•格拉顿是英国著名运动经济学教授,谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学(Sheffield Hallam University)体育产业研究中心(the Sport Industry Research Centre, 简称SIRC)的主任。作为英国著名的体育市场经济分析专家,他与彼得•泰勒(Peter Taylor)合著了6本体育与休闲产业方面的专业书籍,并在各种学术专业期刊上发表了100多篇文章。


  Mr. Cris Gratton Director

   Sheffield Hallam University Sport Industry Research Centre


  Chris Gratton is Professor of Sport Economics and Director of the Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC) at Sheffield Hallam University. He is a specialist in the economic analysis of the sport market. He is co-author (with Peter Taylor) of six books specifically on the sport and leisure industry, and together they have published over 100 articles in academic and professional journals. Their first book, ‘Sport and Recreation: An Economic Analysis' was generally regarded as one of the leading texts in the economics of sport. It has been completely rewritten and was published as: ‘The Economics of Sport and Recreation' in August 2000.




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