阿迪达斯搜狐体育 > 中国体育产业高峰论坛 > 高峰论坛嘉宾


  亚洲体育管理协会 主席 原田宗彦 先生

    搜狐体育讯 日本早稻田大学教授, 亚洲体育管理协会主席。美国宾夕法尼亚州州立大学健康,体育和休闲娱乐学院博士毕业,世界休闲娱乐协会成员 (加拿大),《休闲管理》(国际性刊物)的执行编辑委员会委员( 英国),J- 联盟管理执行代理顾问组成员。主要著作有《运动行销》(2004) 《对体育产业的理解》 (2003,第三版)《体育事件中的经济学》(2002)《运动对城市的改变》(2001)《对体育产业的理解》(1999,修订版)《休闲和体育服务业》(1997) 等专著和译著17部。

  Mr. Munehiko Harada Chairman

   Japanese Association for Sport Management;

  Asian Association of Sport Management;


  Dr Munehiko Harada is a Professor at Waseda University, Japan. He has degrees from Kyoto University of Education, Tsukuba University and Pennsylvania State University. Previously he taught at the National Institute of Fitness and Sport. He is author of several books and articles on the economic analysis of leisure and sport in Japan. He is Chairman of Japanese Association for Sport Management and Asian Association of Sport Management. He is currently working as a member of the consultative committee on the management of the J. League (Japan professional football league).




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