施成伟 |
上海久事国际赛事管理有限公司 国际区域执行总监 施成伟
搜狐体育讯 凭借20多年在体育文化产业中的经验,施成伟为新新公司带来了具有前瞻性和战略性的业务经验。除了曾为职业球员、教练员、球员经纪人、赛事总监以及电视工作者外,施成伟还在北美、欧洲和亚洲组织推广了超过500次体育赛事和娱乐活动。施成伟目前为ATP赛事委员会委员。2006年8月,施成伟也获得上海市白玉兰奖,成为上海体育界一段佳话。
Mr. Charles Smith Executive Director of International Division
Shanghai Juss Event Management Co., Ltd
Charles Smith provides the visionary, strategic, legal and business framework for Tennis Masters Cup Shanghai with his over 20 years experience in the sports and entertainment industry. He is a founding member of the former New Sports Entertainment. Besides being a former tennis professional, coach, player agent, Tournament Director and broadcaster, Smith has promoted, managed, and organized over 500 sporting and entertainment events in North America, Europe, and Asia. Smith currently sits on the ATP Tournament Council and represents the ATP International Tournament region. Smith as well was awarded the prestigious Magnolia Award in 2006, and has his Masters Degree in Economics from the London School of Economics.
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