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    搜狐体育讯 上海久事国际赛事管理有限公司 赛事经营中心总经理 孙雷 先生

  资深的国际体育赛事运营及营销专家,致力于在中国大陆地区经营推广网球等专业体育赛事。上海新新体育文化有限公司创始人之一,参加过六届ATP国际系列赛事——上海•喜力公开赛,四届WTA赛事(一届喜力公开赛、一届奇伟公开赛和两届上海大众•Polo公开赛),02年、05年、06年、07年、08年网球大师杯赛,以及2004年F1摩托艇大奖赛上海站; 2007年底上海新新体育文化有限公司与上海国际赛车场经营发展有限公司合并重组为上海久事国际赛事管理有限公司后,出任赛事经营中心主任,营销总监,主管赛事的推广营销工作。

全程参与了2008MotoGP中国大奖赛、2008 F1中国大奖赛等汽车赛事的营销、组织与筹备工作。具有十多年商业赛事的销售、赛事操作和整体管理经验。

  Mr. Leon Sun General Manager

   Event Management Dept. Shanghai Juss Event Managemtn Co.Ltd


  Leon Sun is an international sports event management and promotion expert. He devoted great efforts into the promotion and popularization of tennis sport in main land China. Leon is one of the founders of the former New Sports Entertainment Co., Ltd, He has participated in organizing and managing all NSE’s sports and entertainment events, including 6 ATP international tournament – Shanghai Heineken Open, 4 WTA tournament ( 1year Heineken Open, 1 year KIWI Open and 2 years SVW Polo Open), and the Tennis Masters Cup 2002 and TMC from 2005 to 2008. After the merger of former New Sports Entertainment and Shanghai International Circuit Management and Development at the end of 2007, he was appointed the director of event management dept and sales director of the newly found company Juss Event. He was responsible for the sales and organizational work of 2008 MotoGP Chinese Grand Prix and 2008 F1 Chinese Grand Prix. He has more than 10 years experience in commercial event sales, operation and general management.




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