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    搜狐体育讯 上海久事国际赛事管理有限公司,隶属上海久事公司。久事赛事公司以中国体育产业近年来的蓬勃发展为契机,以相继落户上海的国际顶级大型赛事为基础平台,以大型体育、娱乐项目的专业运作、经营、开发、管理为核心竞争力,力争成为中国乃至世界顶尖的复合型项目运营管理公司。



  Introduction of Juss Event

  Shanghai Juss Event Management Ltd. (Juss Event Management) is a subsidiary company of Shanghai Jiushi Corporation. Juss Event Management takes the booming sports industry and the world top sport events in China as a great opportunity, to become a world leading comprehensive sport management company with the core competitiveness of professional management, development, and operation of big sports and entertainment events.

  Juss Event Management has experienced working team, international background, great communication channels and strong backup resources. The company is responsible for the management of Sinopec F1 Chinese Grand Prix, MotoGP Chinese Grand Prix, Tennis Master Cup and ATP Master Series (start from 2009). Such sport events entertained local people and offered a great PR platform for all companies in China. They also enhanced the city image of Shanghai as an international metropolis.

  In Jan, 2008, the merge of Shanghai International Circuit Management and Development Co., Ltd and New Sports & Entertainment (Shanghai) Ltd. marked out the foundation of Shanghai Juss Event Management Ltd. With the new team consisting the elites of both companies, and the new value of “More Professional, More Impressive”, Juss Event Management is keen to develop the Sinopec F1 Chinese Grand Prix and the Tennis Master Series to be grand sport galas in China after Beijing Olympic Games. The F1 World Championship came to Shanghai at 2004. After the huge success of the inaugurate year, the race is gradually losing its influence in China now. All Chinese sport fans and F1 fans are expecting more from the F1 Chinese Grand Prix in the year of Olympics, and the new management team is keen to add new values and attractive elements to this glorious and exciting sport, and find a continuable way for F1 development in China.




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