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    搜狐体育讯 上海体育学院是新中国成立后创建最早的体育高等学府,建于1952年11月,原名华东体育学院,由原南京大学、华东师范大学和南京金陵女子大学等院校的体育系科合并而成。


  50 多年来,学院始终坚持以教学为中心,积极倡导“身心一统、德技相长、文理兼修、服务社会”的办学思想,着力营造“ 严谨笃实、悉心治教、为人师表、教学相长”的教风学风,遵循“身心一统、兼蓄竞攀”的校训,继承优良办学传统,营造了浓厚的文化和学术氛围,学院连续被评为“上海市文明单位”。






  学院广泛开展国际间学术交流活动,先后与美国、韩国、日本、德国、芬兰、澳大利亚等15个国家和地区的39所学校建立合作关系。教育部于2006年4月授予我院 “中国政府奖学金”资格。

  Shanghai University of Sport (SUS) was established in Nov. 1952 by merging the physical education departments of Nanjing University, East China Normal University and Jinling Institute of Liberal Arts and Science for Women, which is the first physical education institution of higher learning in New China. The university was originally named East China Physical Culture Institute and was under the direct jurisdiction of the General National Bureau of Physical Culture and Sports. But now, it is jointly cultivated and governed by the General National Bureau of Physical Culture and Sports and Shanghai Municipal Government.

  The total enrollment of students is now 6000, with 3900 in undergraduate program, 900 in postgraduate program and 2700 in continuing education program. The campus covers an area of about 800,000 square meters, with well-equipped facilities for teaching, coaching and scientific research. During the past 50 years, many distinguished physical educators and sports figures have emerged from SUS.

  SUS has made a high priority of connecting the university strategically with the world. The University plays an active role in international cultural exchange while ceaselessly seeking new ways of international cooperation in education. SUS is one of the earliest universities in China admitting international students. While fulfilling its great task of promoting the teaching and research work on physical education, SUS helps carry forward the glorious Chinese culture, thus enjoying a good reputation at home and abroad. Students from more than 50 countries are pleasantly living and pursuing their studies here. Now, with the creative course arrangement and the pleasant environment, SUS is always willing to host international students who are eager to learn about China and the magical world of Chinese history and culture.

  With the continuous effort of the staff, SUS has been in high spirit in making innovations and expanding the education scale over the past 50 years. Up to now, it has already been qualified to confer the doctoral and master degrees in all the disciplines of sport and physical education and has gained great achievements in professional cultivation, scientific research, faculty construction and international exchanges, etc. In recognition of SUS's remarkable achievements, it is awarded "National Honorable Medal in Physical Education and Sports" and the certificate.

  The blue print of SUS-"The first-rate in Asia, the well-known throughout the world"-has been drawn up. We are to take the advantage of the chance to promote the university's education standards and carry out the plans for greater victory in Olympic Games and of the whole nation sport for health so as to make greater contributions to fostering the qualified personnel of high sport level and quality.




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