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    搜狐体育讯 《体育画报》中文版是三方强强联手,深度品牌合作的结晶——它拥有来自美国时代出版集团的顶级体育内容和客户资源,国家体育总局下属中国体育报业总社的报道资源和财讯传媒集团富有经验的杂志运营团队,并致力于全面冲破中文体育传媒对体育报道的一切旧有模式与局限,建立中国体育新闻的全新标准和价值观。






  Landing on the Chinese mainland market, Sports Illustrated China is supported by top-level content and clients resources from Time Inc.,industry contacts and authoritative information sources from the General Administration of Sports, and operated by the most experienced professionals of the SEEC Media Group Limited. Sports Illustrated China is committed to making a breakthrough in the old Chinese sports reporting frames and establishing a brand new standard for Sports journalism in China.

  Sports Illustrated China is committed to delivering our readers the richest and deepest sports content possible through bringing together the highest levels of writing and photography with our distinct perspective and global vision. SI China seeks to attract audience of the mainstream Chinese society by infusing to their lives wisdom, fun and passion.

  Launched in 1954,Sports Illustrated is the world's largest circulated sports magazine reaching more than 3.2 million people every week.

  Bringing together the best in writing and photography, SI has shaped the way Americans look at sports, bringing them onto the playing field and into the lives of athletes and coaches.

  SI is largely responsible for lifting sports reporting into journalistic mainstream. By always demanding the highest quality in reporting and production, SI not only won a prominent place among American periodicals, but also has become a top authority in the field of sports and sports reporting worldwide. Its "Sportsman of the Year" feature is a great event of the American society, and the annual swimsuit issue has become a renowned brand with many extending products.

  SI has been a top Olympic sponsor since 1980. After the Athens Olympics, SI becomes a hospitality sponsor only, which allows SI to use the Olympic marks for its hospitality programs, events and premiums.




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