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  China Center for Lottery Studies (CCLS) Peking University

    搜狐体育讯 The China Center for Lottery Studies (CCLS) at Peking University is a self-financed nonprofit academic institution. The Center is committed to promoting interdisciplinary research and professional training regarding China’s rapidly developed lottery industry. Although a relative young research facility, the CCLS engages in a wide range of activities, possesses diverse capabilities, and employs a professional and highly motivated staff.

  In 2002, encouraged by the Ministry of Finance, Peking University established the CCLS with the mission of facilitating a health development of the Chinese lottery and gaming industry. It is the first research institute in lottery and gaming studies(and has been the only one up to now) in China. The main activities of the CCLS have focused on: (1)promoting rigorous and interdisciplinary scholarship in China through a variety of research, training, and scholarly communication programs; (2)fostering international academic links and integrating Chinese lottery and gaming studies into the international community;(3) providing institutional assistance for Chinese and international scholars conducting research in the industry in China;(4)generating and disseminating systematic social economic data revelant to the industry for scholars, as well as for revelant government agencies and the business community;(5)sponsoring scholarly and professional conferences and workshops, publishing monographs, developing library resources, and producing journals and website.

  The China Center for Lottery Studies (CCLS) is directed by Dr. Shen Mingming, who is the professor of School of Government Peking University, the director of the Research Centre for Contemporary China, and the doctoral tutor. Dr. Wang Xuehong is the executive director of CCLS. She is the first graduate of United States majored in gambling management. Dr. Xie Zhongjie, member of the national committee of CPPCC and the doctoral tutor of School of Mathematical science Peking University, is the chief researcher of CCLS database. Besides employed several researchers from Peking University Law School, School of Economics, Guanghua School of Management, Department of Sociology, School of Mathematical science, and School of Government, CCLS has also invited many experts from Qinghua University, People’s University of China, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Development Research Center of the State Council, Fudan University, China University of Political Science and Law, and China Agriculture University, etc.

  Besides, the CCLS has appointed Professor Wang Fuxun (professor of Government Administration Institute, Peking University, predecessor vice director of Macao Polytechnic Institute) as the director of the Strategic Development Committee, and Mr. Wang Zengxian (Qingdao Welfare Lottery Distribution Center) as the duty-director. Members of Strategic Development Committee include Reidar Nordby,Jr. (the predecessor director of the World Lottery Association), William R.Eadington (the Director of the Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming at the University of Nevada), Jan McMIllen (the Director of the Institute for the Study of Gambling at the Australian National University), Chan Chengkai (the Director of the Asian and Pacific Area Lottery Association), Mai Jianhua (the Business Development director of Hong Kong Jockey Club Corporation), Zhang Heqiao (Government of Macao Special Administration Region Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau), Bai Chunming (Shanxi Welfare Lottery Distribution Center), Xing Xiaowei (Beijing Welfare Lottery Distribution Center), Yin Mingkui (Xinjiang Welfare Lottery Distribution Center), Yu Jianguo (Shanghai Welfare Lottery Distribution Center), Zhang Guohan (the predecessor director of Guangxi Welfare Lottery Distribution Center), etc. The part-time researchers include Jia Kang (Director of Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance, China), Professor Alun Jackson (University of Melbourne, Australia), Professor Shane Thomas (Monash University, Australia), and Professor Yang Hui (Monash University, Australia), etc. The members of CCLS Council include Bwin, Ladbrokes PLC and Shanghai Starlott Network Technology Ltd.


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