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    搜狐体育讯 沈明明毕业于北京大学国政系和美国密歇根大学政治学系,获政治学博士学位,主要从事比较政治学、科学研究方法和政策分析的研究。自1994年回国后,沈明明教授担任了北京大学中国国情研究中心主任一职,主持了数十项大型学术研究项目,特别是采用大规模抽样调查方法的量化研究项目,在抽样方法创新上处于世界领先水平。2002年7月,北大彩票所成立之际,沈教授受命于北大校领导,兼任北京大学中国公益彩票事业研究所所长一职,为彩票所的诞生和发展做出了不懈的努力,组织和实施了一系列博彩政策和彩票市场调查的研究项目。


  Shen Mingming holds the bachelor degree of Peking University and acquires his Ph.D. in political science in the University of Michigan. He currently is a professor at School of Government of Peking University. His areas of research include theories of comparative politics and social science research methodology, particularly in sampling surveys. Most of his publications are in English.

  Upon his return to China in 1994 he has served as director of the Research Center of Contemporary China (RCCC), an interdisciplinary research institute at Peking University. Under his tenure, the RCCC has developed, among other achievements, an internationally known center of survey research and quantitative data analysis in China.

  In 2002 when Peking University decided to establish the China Center for Lottery Studies under the RCCC, Dr. Shen also was appointed as the director of this new research institute. Ever since then he has played a central role in setting up the institute from scratch and getting it established in China’s newly emerged gaming industry through various of projects and programs.

  Dr. Shen also serves as adjunct research scientist at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. He has also provided professional consultancy to a number of international organizations, such as UNDB, WHO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, etc.


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