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  working field:

  Gambling and its related industries, including lottery, horse-racing and casino. We also study some cultural industry, such as entertainment.

  The Research Team

  The China Center for Lottery Studies (CCLS) is directed by Dr. Shen Mingming, who is the professor of School of Government Peking University, the director of the Research Centre for Contemporary China, and the doctoral tutor. Dr. Wang Xuehong is the executive director of CCLS. She is the first graduate of United States majored in gambling management. Dr. Xie Zhongjie, member of the national committee of CPPCC and the doctoral tutor of School of Mathematical science Peking University, is the chief researcher of CCLS database. Besides employed several researchers from Peking University Law School, School of Economics, Guanghua School of Management, Department of Sociology, School of Mathematical science, and School of Government, CCLS has also invited many experts from Qinghua University, People’s University of China, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Development Research Center of the State Council, Fudan University, China University of Political Science and Law, and China Agriculture University, etc.

  Reidar Nordby,Jr. (世界彩票协会前任主席 )

  the predecessor director of the World Lottery Association)

  William R.Eadington (美国内华大学商业博彩研究中心主任)

  the Director of the Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming at the University of Nevada

  Jan McMIllen (澳大利亚国立大学博彩研究中心主任)

  the Director of the Institute for the Study of Gambling at the Australian National University

  David Forrest (英国Salford大学教授)

  the professor of Salford University, UK


  Chan Chengkai (the Director of the Asian and Pacific Area Lottery Association


  Mai Jianhua (the Business Development director of Hong Kong Jockey Club Corporation)


  Zhang Heqiao, Government of Macao Special Administration Region Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau


  Wang Zhiguo, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce


  Liu Daiyang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

  汪晓来(都市未来发展研究院)Wang Xiaolai, Towns Future Institute

  丁 峰(国务院法制办)

  Ding Feng, Legislative Affair Office of the State Council


  Dai Bohua, General Affair Office of Financial Department

  汪义达 (财政部综合司)

  Wang Yida, General Affair Office of Financial Department

  贾康 (财政部财政科学研究所)

  Jia Kang, Cheng Yongkang, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance, P.R.China


  Cheng Yongkang, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance, P.R.China


  Wang Ligang, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance, P.R.China


  Bao Xuequan, China Welfare Lottery Distribution Center


  Wang Weidong, China Sports Lottery Administration Center, General Administration of Sport


  Wang Boquan, China Welfare Lottery Distribution Center


  Wei Jixiang, China Sports Lottery Administration Center, General Administration of Sport


  Wang Zengxian, Qingdao Welfare Lottery Distribution Center


  Bai Chunming, Shanxi Welfare Lottery Distribution Center


  Xing Xiaowei, Beijing Welfare Lottery Distribution Center


  Yin Mingkui, Xinjiang Welfare Lottery Distribution Center


  Yu Jianguo, Shanghai Welfare Lottery Distribution Center


  Zhu Xiaoming, Hebei Sports Lottery Administration Center


  Guo Tingxiu, Heilongjiang Sports Lottery Administration Center

  刘 芳(辽宁省体育彩票管理中心)

  Liu Fang, Liaoning Sports Lottery Administration Center

  郭士友 (河南省体育彩票管理中心)

  Guo Shiyou, Henan Sports Lottery Administration Center


  Meanwhile, the research department of CCLS has also employed many outstanding experts as researchers of CCLS, who participate the daily activities of CCLS.

  邢晓巍 (北京市福利彩票发行中心) Xing Xiaowei, Beijing Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  杨启伦 (重庆市福利彩票发行中心) Yang Qilun, Chongqing Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  崔利生(辽宁省福利彩票发行中心)Cui Lisheng, Liaoning Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  李文玉 (湖南省福利彩票发行中心) Li Yuwen, Hunan Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  樊 凡 (湖北省福利彩票发行中心) Fan Fan, Hubei Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  杨文勇 (内蒙古自治区福利彩票发行中心) Yang Wenyong, Neimenggu Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  史志英 (青海省福利彩票发行中心) Shi Zhiying, Qinghai Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  顾 矾 (北京市福利彩票发行中心) Gu Fan, Beijing Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  狄建平 (北京市福利彩票发行中心) Di Jianping, Beijing Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  姚志江(北京市福利彩票发行中心)Yao Zhijiang, Beijing Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  张志贤(河北省福利彩票发行中心)Zhang Zhixian, Hebei Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  蒋 萌(浙江省体育彩票管理中心)Jiang Meng, Zhejiang Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  张金友(甘肃省福利彩票发行中心)Zhang Jinyou, Gansu Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  夏哲顺(深圳市福利彩票发行中心)Xia Zheshun,. Shenzhen Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  严振华(宁波市福利彩票发行中心)Yan Zhenhua, Ningbo Welfare Lottery Distribution Center

  杨 辉(澳大利亚蒙纳仕大学医学部初级卫生保健学院高级研究员)

  Yang Hui, Senior researcher of Primary Medical School, Department of Medicine,Monash University.

  Shane Thomas(澳大利亚蒙纳仕大学医学部初级卫生保健学院初级保健研究所主任)

  Shane Thomas, Director of Primary Medical School, Department of Medicine,Monash University.

  Alun Jackson (澳大利亚墨尔本大学/蒙纳仕大学问题博彩研究和治疗中心主任)

  Alun Jackson PhD, is Professor and Director of the Problem Gambling,Treatment Research Centre at the University of Melbourne& Monash University.

  潘梓朝(中国福利彩票发行管理中心)Pan Zichao, China Welfare Lottery Distribution Administration Center

  王云戈(中国福利彩票发行管理中心)Wang Yunge, China Welfare Lottery Distribution Administration Center

  王 简(深圳市福利彩票发行中心)Wang Jian, Shenzhen Welfare Lottery Distribution Center


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