阿迪达斯搜狐体育 > 网球-赛车-棋牌-足彩 > 彩票中心 > 体育彩票-福利彩票 > 北京大学中国公益彩票事业研究所 > 第五届「博彩产业与公益事业」高层论坛暨国际学术研讨会 > 会议动态


    搜狐体育讯 “博彩产业与公益事业”国际学术研讨会由北京大学中国公益彩票事业研究所与澳门理工学院、澳门旅游学院、澳门旅游博彩技术培训中心共同主办。在每届研讨会上,我们都将邀请来自国内外相关政府部门、学术界、产业界的人士对各国博彩业营运及监管体制的发展进行研究和探讨,旨在推动包括港澳台在内的我国博彩业的健康有序发展,并不断提升我国博彩营运及监管的水平。


  The International conference on Gaming Industry and Public Welfare is jointly organized by China Center for Lottery Studies at Peking University ,Macao Polytechnic Institute ,Institute for Tourism Studies, and Macao Tourism and Casino Career Center. Committed to foster a healthy development of the gaming industry in China, including that in Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR ,and Taiwan, this annual conference provides a platform for communication ,exchange and debate on issues facing policy makers, operators, as well as scholars in the industry.

  An International Conference on Gaming Industry and Public Welfare is an annual event, and the first conference was held in 2004. It has provoked high quality research and exchange in gaming and in the gaming industry. We will enhance this annual conference to establish a stable exchange platform for the gaming industry.

  研讨会组委会/Conference Committee


  电话/Tel: 8610-62767298

  传真/Fax: 8610-62767299

  E-mail: conference@pku.edu.cn

  Website: https://ccls.pku.edu.cn


  电话/Tel: 853-88936322/88936174

  传真/Fax: 853-28836321/2883 6216

  E-mail: conference2008@ccc.edu.mo

  Website: https://www.ccc.edu.mo/conference2008




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