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    搜狐体育讯 导读:乔纳森-费根,是休斯顿惟一一家日报《休斯顿纪事报》的首席篮球记者,也是整个赛季跑满全部比赛的惟一一位记者。 在国内许多做NBA的媒体中,费根的名字恐怕是最耳熟能详的了,因为他的稿件的翻译版本充斥在各大网站和报纸上,是绝对的火箭专家。近日乔纳森-费根已经签约搜狐体育,搜狐也是目前国内惟一一家获权使用费根专栏文章的媒体。在以后的日子里费根将通过搜狐专栏与广大中国网友一起进行交流。



















  你必须承认,火箭正在发生着变化。这从姚明主动要求牺牲一场比赛来为接下来的比赛做准备可以看出来,也可以从球队在进攻时的传球更频繁更合理上看出来。 (搜狐体育 清河村翻译)

  注:此稿件为乔纳森-费根独家提供搜狐体育  严禁转载



  By Jonathan Feigen

     There was no deal made, no prior agreement reached between Yao Ming and the Rockets coaching and medical staffs. Still, it might have been a good idea, if only it were that easy.
     Yao agreed to sit out one game, against Dallas, to give doctors another day to consider his test results, even to bring in a few more specialists to look over his bone scan.
      Yao felt fine. He had long since gotten over the shock that hit him when Rockets trainer Keith Jones went over the list of possibilities, no matter how remote, including the distant chance that if surgery were needed Yao would have to sit out months again. No one really expected that. Even the possibility that Yao would have to skip a few weeks was remote. The real threat was that Yao would be hurt from keeling over in shock when Jones mentioned that most unlikely of worst-case scenarios.
     By the day of the game, however, Yao was back to feeling “fine, so fine.” Days before, he had grimaced in Oklahoma City and hobbled off the court, but even after that game, he was joking, unconcerned about an injury. Days later, he was certain that he was well, even if doctors wanted to think about it for another day or two.
     He consented to miss that one game, but it would have been a wise move if he had said that he would sit out only if the Rockets make him the center of all they do when he returned.
     It, of course, never came to that. But by the next game, the opener of a three-game road trip, he said he was “100 percent,” even as Tracy McGrady was openly fretting about his knee condition and treating the three-game road trip as an experiment to see whether he should muddle through or take time off to strengthen his sore left leg.
     Yao was feeling so good that when he saw Jones in an arena hallway, he feigned an exaggerated, comedic limp, before busting out laughing and slapping Jones on the back.
     With McGrady hobbled and Ron Artest struggling to find his place in the Rockets’ offense, the Rockets were then still searching.
     They returned with a three-game sweep of the trip and a sense they had found the offense they had sought since they convened for the start of training camp.
     Before, the ‘Big Three’ took turns.
     Yao. McGrady.  Artest.
     Artest. McGrady. Yao.
     They deferred to one another, with the other two and often everyone else standing around like a track team off in another part of the stadium while the pole vaulter takes off.
     More than two weeks into the season, the Rockets were 28th in the NBA and struggling to make their new parts fit. A year after the Celtics put together Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen and rapidly made a seamless transition, the Rockets’ power trio all needed the ball to be their best, forcing them to concentrate as much at staying out of one another’s way as helping each other.
     “We have to find a way to make our three guys compatible,” Rockets coach Rick Adelman said then. “Pierce has always been a great one-on-one player, Allen has been one of the great scorers and Garnett has been one of the best big guys in the league. They kind of fit together.
     “If Tracy was healthy it would be a lot different because he can do so many things out on the floor. He can put it on the floor and make things happen for us. Now, we’re just trying to fit Ron in. Now, the strengths of all three guys are post-ups. With three of them on the court at the same time, it’s hard to get any kind of rhythm going.”
     They were good enough to make that work at times. Yao dominated Dallas. McGrady shot the Rockets past Phoenix. But they were not close to what they could be if each star could somehow make the others and the Rockets around them, better.
     Then, with Yao already into a solid performance against the Wizards, he drove on Washington rookie JaVale McGee and punched down a vicious slam, a moment of physical dominance so powerful Yao said later that it reminded him of his first game against Shaquille O’Neal, still the standard for brutish power.
    The Wizards immediately switched to rapid double teams. Artest and McGrady were left open to hit jumpers. Yao scored again. And the Rockets blew out the Wizards.
     A night later, against the much more formidable Dwight Howard, Yao dominated early, sending Howard to the bench with early foul trouble. That forced the Magic to first dust off rarely-used Adonal Foyle and then to surround Yao with double teams. The Rockets again took off. And with the game on the line, they again went back to Yao, with Yao scoring on a drive, an offensive rebound and an unstoppable turnaround jumper on the baseline.
     “His turnaround jump shot, nobody can block it unless you’re 7-8,” Howard said.
     “It’s like a beanstalk. You got to chop.”
      Yao was similarly dominant against mini-Miami. With 6-8 forward Udonis Haslem starting at center, the Heat tried rapid double- and triple teams and even a zone. Yao still dominated, scoring 28 points with 13 rebounds and to complete the trip averaging 22.7 points on 61.5 percent shooting. But on a night McGrady was again dead-legged on his way to his fifth game scoring in single-digits, the threat of Yao inside created opportunities for everyone, not just when it was his turn.
     “We’re definitely looking to go to Yao,” Rockets coach Rick Adelman said of the improvement since the Rockets left town. “They’ve got to guard him. If he keeps making good decisions, we’re going to be OK.
     “Our guys, for whatever reason, since we’ve come on this trip, we hit a groove.”
     There is a tendency to think that plan should have been obvious all along, and maybe to a degree it was. But executing it never has been as simple as ‘throw it to the big guy.’
     Year ago, when the Rockets had built their offense around the spectacular Hakeem Olajuwon, before the rule changes that permit the swarms of defenders that surround Yao, Rockets coach Rudy Tomjanovich had made honing the offense to get Olajuwon his touches the central part of every practice. If it is obvious to anyone from the most expensive floor seat to the cheap seats near the rafters, it also occurs to opposing teams, armed with libraries worth of video and squads of coaches to do whatever is necessary to take away whatever their opponents want to do most.
     To emphasize how much work that took to keep the ball in Olajuwon’s hand, Tomjanovich once called over Robert Horry to vouch for how many hours were spent just on that. “Oh no,” Horry answered in a groan. “I don’t even want to think about it.”
     The Rockets made it work on the road trip, particularly in the fourth quarters when teams reveal what they value most. But if they don’t work on it in the next practice and do it again in the next game, they would immediately take another step backwards.
     They know this is how they should play, how they want to play. The ball is finally moving. The offense is clicking.
     “I think on this trip we learned something,” Yao said. “I think we found the way we’re going to play basketball – just use the advantage we have on the team and create open shots for teammates. For about our first 10 games we played with just our talent, not much with our team discipline, just skill, not passing the ball the way coach wants. I think we did very well on this trip.
     “I think we are very clear where we’re going to hit them.”
     Eventually, if McGrady ever gets well, he might be able to create the way he once had for the Rockets. There might be nights that Artest has an advantage against an overmatched defender. But night in, night out, there should be Yao.
     It doesn’t matter how many shots he gets. He can dominate just by forcing defenses to tie themselves in knots to stop him.
     With Yao and the ball moving more often and more swiftly, the Rockets have rebuilt themselves around him. They returned home a better team than the one that left town, a transformation that began when Yao consented to sacrifice one game to dominate the ones to come.



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