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搜狐费根专栏:火箭一号逊科比 麦迪非合格领袖


    搜狐体育讯 导读:乔纳森-费根,是休斯顿惟一一家日报《休斯顿纪事报》的首席篮球记者,也是整个赛季跑满全部比赛的惟一一位记者。 在国内许多做NBA的媒体中,费根的名字恐怕是最耳熟能详的了,因为他的稿件的翻译版本充斥在各大网站和报纸上,是绝对的火箭专家。近日乔纳森-费根已经签约搜狐体育,搜狐也是目前国内惟一一家获权使用费根专栏文章的媒体。在以后的日子里费根将通过搜狐专栏与广大中国网友一起进行交流。
















  如今,科比正统领他的湖人一路高歌,麦迪却在如潮的批评声中惨淡度日,将自己的前途寄望在早日康复上。或许,这样的情状还要继续下去。无论如何,每当火箭遭遇湖人时,有关麦迪和科比的对比和讨论就会铺天盖地,即便麦迪和科比的可比性已经越来越小。 (搜狐体育 清河村翻译整理)

  By Jonathan Feigen

  The timing is as coincidental as the irony is inescapable.

  There was a time in which Kobe Bryant and Tracy McGrady were presumably members in the club of NBA elites. Few had their obvious gifts and the potential that comes with it.

  When Bryant arrives in Houston to play the Rockets, however, McGrady will be stuck on the bench, taking another leave to try to strengthen his troublesome left knee. Bryant has his Lakers soaring. McGrady's Rockets have been limping, left hoping that the continuity gained will make up for his contributions to be temporarily lost.

  They seem to share little, now. Bryant remains at his best, averaging 27 points per game for a Lakers team without a weakness and with the league's best record.

  McGrady is averaging 15.4 points, his fewest since he was a teenager in Toronto. His 38.8 percent shooting is the worst of his career.

  The Rockets, thought to be a contender when the season began, are barely among the Western Conference's top eight teams, with a collection of losses (to the Clippers, Pacers, Grizzlies and Wizards) that are the sort that haunt when the regular season reaches its final games and teams fight for playoff positions, especially this season with nine worthy teams trying to squeeze into eight playoff spots.

  Now it seems, with the careers of Bryant and McGrady rushing in opposite directions, that perhaps they never should have been linked, particularly after Bryant broke through and won three championships while McGrady was unable to get out of the first round.

  Bryant, of course, was blessed with an organization loaded with great talent. McGrady was sidetracked and stopped by the injuries to Grant Hill in Toronto and Yao Ming in Houston, along with his own inability to remain on the floor.

  Yet now, armed with the hindsight of their histories, their career paths and the fortunes of their franchises have seemed to have split for reasons beyond their divergent fortunes.

  With Bryant, there is a raging, boundless ambition. He will put in any amount of work, compete with any level of intensity and desire necessary to hungrily strive for all he can imagine.

  When he raged, sometimes foolishly and even selfishly, about his teammates' inadequacies, even getting caught on tape with his criticism of Andrew Bynum, he seemed a poor teammate. Yet, there was still an understanding that he was driven by a refusal to accept that he was through winning championships at 24-years-old.

  The Lakers were thought to be fed up with him, even said to be shopping him around. But of course they could not begin to find a trade worth making because all that talent combined with all that desire could not be replaced. The Lakers did not try. They brought back the steadying influence of Derek Fisher, lucked into the trade for Pau Gasol and drafted wisely, including their pick of Bynum, and Bryant had a team capable of winning championship again.

  McGrady was no less gifted, and in some ways has a vision on the floor beyond Bryant's. But there was never that sense that he would stomp anyone in his way, opponent or teammate, to win. Bryant could be insufferable, as if he could not control his rampant desire, while McGrady is affable and easy going. He is much more likely to go along than lead, far more one of the guys than Bryant could ever be.

  Things could have been different for him, and perhaps still can be. But the notion that he was a version of Bryant was never correct, even when he was the two-time NBA scoring champion. A sublime talent to be sure, he is not a guy with Bryant's rrepressible desire and the sort of fervor that drives an entire franchise.

  He contributes, sometimes greatly. He influences his team, improves its chances. He does not carry it, or at least has not carried it long enough to overcome the shortcomings of the Orlando roster or Houston health problems. McGrady performs. Bryant competes. They start with similar athletic talents, but we have learned over the years that their gifts are more different than alike. So have been their careers.

  There is something fitting then that when Bryant is in Houston for the first time this season. With the Lakers sitting with the NBA's best record, McGrady will be sitting out, hoping for better things to come. It might still happen for him. To get there, however, he and the Rockets will have to get through Bryant and the Lakers at a time they seem to have less in common than ever.



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