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费根搜狐专栏:将球交给姚核心 怀念麦迪一能力


    搜狐体育讯 虽然火箭在首战中早早锁定胜局,主力们甚至坐在板凳席上很惬意的看完第4节比赛,但我坚信,他们不可能每场胜利都以这样的大胜结尾。
















  (搜狐体育 清河村)


  By Jonathan Feigen

  Though it might have seemed that way when the Rockets spent the fourth quarter of Game 1 laughing on the bench, the Rockets were not going to win four games by 27 points.

  Ron Artest called the Game 1 rout “a fluke” and he was not far off.

  The Rockets hit the Trail Blazers hard and quickly and the young Blazers crumbled. That sort of thing happens to young players, but they are also unusually resilient, with confidence unrestrained by doubt that creeps in over the years. These Blazers have never won in the playoffs, but they have never lost, either. One loss, even one as thorough as the Game 1 rout, is not going to erase the confidence that comes with the combination of talent and youth.

  Portland came back in Game 2 to send the series back to Houston tied and perhaps to define where it will be won or lost.

  There are many things the Rockets will address in practices and video sessions before Game 3. They must find a way to keep defenders in Brandon Roy’s face. They need to make Artest more than a streaky jump shooter. They might even want to get Yao Ming the ball on occasion.

  They will do those things, or at least do them enough to be back where they were in Game 2 in Portland.

  For all that had gone wrong, from the gut-wrenching, career-ending injury to Dikembe Mutombo to the Blazers’ extraction of Yao from the Rockets’ offense, it was a one-point game with four minutes left.

  This is where it was won and lost.

  It is also where the series will be decided – in the final minutes of close games.

  With the game very much up for grabs, the Rockets cracked. They took three tough and rushed 3-pointers and missed the ball. Aaron Brooks lost the ball on a drive. He misfired a pass to Luis Scola that sent Portland’s Travis Outlaw on his way to a breakaway slam for an eight-point Portland lead.

  The Rockets found a way to keep it close – mostly with Brooks nailing 3-pointers – and lost by four. But those five possessions with the game on the line pointed directly to what the Rockets will have to do to finally escape the first round.

  Games will be close. Down the stretch, the Trail Blazers will put the ball in Roy’s hands and they will get good shots. Winning the series will require winning the last four minutes.

  “That’s something we have to learn, Rockets coach Rick Adelman said. “The game’s on the line, you have to be certain you get good shots.”

  The Blazers did and the Rockets did not.

  There was a time that a team with a low-post scoring threat like Yao could dump the ball down to him and let him go to work or pass out of the double teams. As sensational as Hakeem Olajuwon was, even against double teams, many of the game-winning moments in the Rockets’ championship runs came when he drew double teams and the Rockets were one or two passes away from open shots.

  With the defensive rules since then allowing teams to wrap low-post players in double teams even before they have the ball, the Trail Blazers took that option away. Yao was surrounded. Though there are still ways to get him the ball, they are tough and few.

  In the past, the Rockets could instead give the ball to Tracy McGrady and let him come around a screen. He did not hit many last-second shots, a drive against the Lakers here, a jumper against Clippers there. But before he lost his quickness this season and then went out for microfracture surgery in an effort to get it back, he would demand a third defender to deal with him on a pick-and-roll, leaving a teammate open.

  He could pass to Yao or the rolling power forwards at the rim, or find Shane Battier open in the corner. The Rockets could get good shots with the game on the line.

  Though he is better known as a scorer, the Rockets miss McGrady’s ability to trigger offense around him.

  Brooks can get the Rockets into their offense and can get his own shot. Artest and Battier can hit catch-and-shoot 3s when left open. They Rockets, however, still have not found a reliable way to execute in the final minutes, when teams have locked in defensively and Yao is overwhelmed by defenders.

  For all that will have to be addressed and improved, that is where the series will be decided.

  If the Rockets could collect four routs, they would be fine with that. They could not expect it, even after blowing out the Blazers in Game 1.

  They can, however, expect more games like Game 2. They will have to find a way to win them.




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