
巴赫入驻国际体育电影电视联盟名人堂 高度重视体育影像传播


2016年,国际体育电影电视联盟授予国际奥委会主席托马斯?巴赫“金花环杰出人物奖”(“FICTS Excellence Guirlanded’Honneur 2016”),以感谢他在推动体育和奥林匹克文化传播过程中发挥的重要作用巴赫先生因此成为国际体育电影电视联盟(以下简称联盟)“名人堂”成员。










Dear president of the International Sports Cinema and Television Federation, dear friend Professor Asscani, dear participants of the World FICTS Challenge 2016, Dear friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,


A picture is worth a thousand words. This captures the spirit of the World FICTS Challenge 2016 and the important work of your organization. It also is ture of the images from the Olympic Games Rio 2016 that we all seen across the globe this August. Everyone of you place a crucial part to bring this magic of the Olympic Games to the billions of youth worldwide. Let me express my thanks to your president Franco Asscani and all the representatives of your member countries for your continuous dedication to promote Olympic sport and its values across the world.


It was a big surprise and a good surprise of course to learn that you awarded the “Excellence GuirlandeD’Honneur” to the IOC and its president. On behalf of the IOC, I gladly accept this distinction. It is an incredible honor to join your hall of fame with such an impressivelist of personalities in sports, cinema and Television. Please accept my heartful thanks and gratitude for this great gesture.


Such a distinction is even more significant in the digital age in which we live today. Moving images will only continue to grow in importance. Young people everywhere today are connecting through videos and other images in social media. In order to engage with this young generation, we have launched the Olympic channel, the digital platform for the Olympic movement, for the youth of the world. The Olympic channel is first and foremost about the people and the emotions of sports. It is about the athletes and their pursuit of the Olympic idea. This shared mission to spread the spirit of the Olympic Games is what unites all of us. So to all of you gathered here today, thank you once again for this great honor. I wish you an enjoyable ceremony and a wonderful stay in this beautiful city of Milan.


  All the best to all of you!


sports.sohu.com true 北京国际体育电影周 https://sports.sohu.com/20170123/n479434535.shtml report 4991 2016年,国际体育电影电视联盟授予国际奥委会主席托马斯?巴赫“金花环杰出人物奖”(“FICTSExcellenceGuirlanded’Honneur2016