
报名 | 上海时尚地标太平湖上的硬拉比赛 及女神QLS力量举课程

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上海Fashion Week御用场地









  有关女神杯硬拉比赛 | About VWC Deadlift Competition:

  这次我们很高兴的邀请到了获得了无数国际力量举和大力士比赛殊荣的、大神级别的马来西亚的QLS 的团队为我们女神杯硬拉比赛的合作伙伴,同时将在2017年7月8日-9日于女神举重俱乐部为中国的力量爱好者们带来两天的力量举入门课程。

  • 任何人都能参加;

  • 诚邀中国各力量举爱好者及大神尤其是硬拉大神到场一显身手,宣传力量举;

  • 此次“女神杯”硬拉比赛的目在于宣传推广力量举项目,让更多的普通群众有机会接触和了解力量举,是一次展示力量举优点和魅力的机会。还请各力量举爱好者捧场和支持!

  • 比赛不分体重级别,将会进行现场称重,以维京系数计算总成绩排名,男女各取前三名。

  This time we are more than happy to announce that we invited the No. 1 Powerlifting organisation in Malaysia, the QLS Powerlifting to come to shanghai, to help us hold the VWC deadlift competition as well as to present us a world top-level Powerlifting workshop on 8-9 JUL(Sat & Sun).

  女神杯硬拉比赛时间 | Date & Time:

  • 2017年7月2日(周日)下午16:30-18:30 | 16:30-18:30 2 JUL (Sun)

  • 运动员注册时间为14:30-15:30, 逾期报名视为自动放弃参赛权利。| Athletes register time is 14:30-15:30.


  女神杯硬拉比赛地点 | Location:

  • 上海市 黄浦区 新天地太平湖 | Taiping Lake, Xin Tiandi, SH.

  扫描二维码点击进行赛事报名 | Scan the QR code for registration:

  关于力量举合作方QLS Powerlifting | About QLS Powerlifting:

  QLS Fitness是马拉西亚无人不知,久负盛名响当当的“南趴万”力量训练机构。| QLS Fitness is the number one strength facility in Malaysia currently.





  关于特邀教练 | About the Star coaches:

  Koay Qunling


  QLS总教头,Strength Apparel创始人(Strength Apparel为SBD在马来西亚的唯一经销商)。马来西亚力量举联盟联合创始人之一(马来西亚力量举联盟是唯一受世界力量举重联盟认可的马来西亚组织,也享有举办国际大力士比赛的资格)。

  Head Coach and Founder of QLS Fitness. Founder of Strength Apparel (Powerlifting, Strongman & Fitness Equipment manufacturer in Malaysia. Only distributor for SBD Apparel in Malaysia.)Co-Founder of Malaysia Powerlifting Alliance (Only sanctioned powerlifting federation in Malaysia by Global Powerlifting Alliance. Fastest growing strength federation currently in Malaysia. Currently got the rights of organizing international strongman competition as well.)

  John Hans

  马来西亚名流,力量举联盟联合创始人之一.John-Hans Oei is the chief strategy officer of Microbs and group CEO of Centenary Million Sdn Bhd.Co-Founder of Malaysia Powerlifting Alliance.


  Zarol Alfiyan

  QLS Fitness, Strength Apparel, SBD Apparel的主要赞助运动员之一。在马来西亚的多项国际力量举及大力士比赛上获得冠军。 QLS Fitness的大力士主教练,多项马来西亚力量举国家级记录保持者,GPA规则下持有一项力量举世界纪录。

  Main sponsored athlete for QLS Fitness, Strength Apparel, SBD Apparel Malaysia Competed and won international competitions for both powerlifting and strongman. Head Coach for Strongman at QLS Fitness.Multiple national record holder and one world record holder for powerlifting under GPA

What a beast!

  Carmen Too

  Strength Apparel 和马来西亚 SBD Apparel 赞助的两名女性运动员之一。曾参与两个国家的力量举比赛,并同时在两个赛事中获得了(不同项目的)金牌和银牌.Hale Athletics 的女性教练员之一。

  One of the two main female sponsored athletes for Strength Apparel and SBD Apparel Malaysia. Competed in 2 national powerlifting competitions and got silver and gold in both events.One of the female coaches under Hale Athletics (Formerly known as Chaos Training Systems)



  有关QLS 力量举日常课程


  在7月3日-7月7日期间,我们会开设日常力量举课程, 届时您可以通过女神举重VENUS WEIGHTLIFTING官方微信公众号进行课程预约。150RMB/课时。


  • 时间: 2017年7月8日-7月9日

  • 地点:上海市 静安区 昌平路728号, B1 女神举重俱乐部

  • 费用: 2200人民币/两天课程


  Introduction to do powerlifting, including how to perform squat, deadlift and bench press, how to have mobility, how to warm up and stretch for powerlifting. Also how make a general programming for yourself or your clients.

  Day 1

  9:00am 开场致意 Meet and greet

  9:30am 介绍力量举Introduction to powerlifting

  10:30am 关节灵活性/活动度及力量举相关拉伸

  Mobility and stretches for powerlifting specification

  12:00noon 午饭时间 Lunch break

  1:00pm 如何深蹲 How to perform squat

  2:00pm 深蹲的不同种类及其原理 Squat variation & mechanism

  3:00pm 手把手指导教学 Hands on correction (like the participants can test their squats and the coaches will try and correct/fix/help them with their form and technique)

  4:30pm 如何卧推 How to perform bench press

  5:30pm 卧推的不同种类及其原理 Bench press variation & mechanism

  6:30pm 手把手指导教学 Hands on correction (like the participants can test their bench press and the coaches will try and correct/fix/help them with their form and technique)

  7:30pm 第一天教学结束 End of day 1

  Day 2

  9:00am力量举的营养和卡路里摄入 Nutrition and calorie intake for powerlifting

  10:00am 复习第一天的关节灵活性/活动度及力量举相关拉伸

  Mobility and stretches revision from yesterday

  11:00am 硬拉教学 How to perform deadlift

  12:00noon 硬拉的不同种类及其原理 Deadlift variation & mechanism

  1:00pm 手把手指导教学 Hands on correction (like the participants can test their deadlift and the coaches will try and correct/fix/help them with their form and technique)

  2:30pm 午饭时间 Lunch break

  3:30pm 问答环节 Q&A

  4:30pm 照相时间 Picture session

  5:30pm 第二天教学结束 End of day 2

  扫描二维码点击进行课程报名 | Scan the QR code for registration:

Powerlifting is awesome!

sports.sohu.com true 女神举重mp https://sports.sohu.com/20170526/n494619228.shtml report 12995 这次我们在上海潮流时尚地标上海FashionWeek御用场地新天地·太平湖举办一场硬拉比赛你有想象过吗?想知道现场是怎样的吗?想亲身体验吗?就现在