
蓝湾大师赛11月幸福起航 IMG 创始人新书出版

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2017年7月11日 第十八期

  蓝湾大师赛蓝湾大师赛正式宣布将于11月6-11日期间在海南三亚陵水县鉴湖蓝湾高尔夫球场举行。作为 LPGA 亚洲系列赛的压轴赛事,LPGA 奖金排行前62的选手、中高协排名前15的选手将汇聚蓝湾大师赛,在中国最顶级的女子高尔夫赛事中竞逐总额高达210万美元的赛事奖金。 2017蓝湾大师赛由绿城·蓝湾小镇冠名赞助,国家体育总局小球运动管理中心主办,美国女子职业高尔夫协会和中国女子职业高尔夫协会联合认证,并由 WME | IMG 中国运营。

  Blue Bay LPGA Blue Bay LPGA will once again take place at Jian Lake Blue Bay Golf Course at Hainan Island Nov 6-11, 2017. Part of the LPGA Asian Swing series, Blue Bay LPGA brings together the top 62 players from the LPGA money list and the top 15 players from the China Golf Ranking to compete for a $2.1 million purse at one of the biggest ladies golf events in China. Blue Bay LPGA is sponsored by Greentown Blue Bay, hosted by CGA, co-sanctioned by LPGA and CLPGA and operated by WME | IMG China.

  高尔夫客户 7月9日,在山东威海结束的锦湖轮胎女子公开赛中,IMG 签约球员、“中国一姐”冯珊珊以212杆(66-73-73)的成绩排名并列第四位。赛事结束后,冯珊珊随即前往在新泽西州贝德明斯特特朗普国家高尔夫俱乐部举办的大满贯赛事美国女子公开赛。IMG 签约球员刘钰在塔利莫尔精英赛夺冠后,中国排名升至第八名。

  Golf ClientsIMG client Shanshan Feng finished as T4 at the Kumho Tire Ladies Open at China's Weihai Point on July 9. After the event, Feng is heading for the United States Women's Open Championship at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. IMG client Liu Yu is currently ranked eighth in mainland China after her first win at the Tullymore Classic.

  时尚我们的柏林梅赛德斯奔驰时装周在7月7日圆满落幕,在为期4天的时装周中呈现了包括 Prabal Gurung 的柏林首秀、德国设计师 Michael SontagVladimir Karaleev以及 Nathini Van der Meer 等精彩秀场。在2017秋季巴黎高级定制时装周中,世界小姐 Iris Mittenaere Jean Paul Gaultier 走秀并在时尚杂志 CR Fashion Book的社交平台上获得极大关注。

  FashionOur Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin event ended on July 7, wrapping four days of shows, including Prabal Gurung's first in the Berlin market, as well as German designers Michael Sontag, Vladimir Karaleev and Nathini Van der Meer. At the Fall 2017 Haute Couture shows in Paris, Miss Universe Iris Mittenaere walked in Jean Paul Gaultier's show and took over CR Fashion Book's Instagram in the lead-up.

  UFC 上周四,UFC 宣布与 Legends Hospitality 公司(简称为“Legends”)达成为期数年的合作。Legends 作为世界顶级的粉丝服务商将成为顶尖综合格斗组织 UFC的首个“全球官方赛事零售伙伴”。该合作由 IMG 促成,Legends 将在国内及国际范围内管理 UFC 赛事及粉丝体验活动现场的 UFC 零售商店。

  UFCLast Thursday,UFC announced a multi-year partnership with Legends Hospitality, LLC (“Legends”). The world-class fan service provider will serve as the premier mixed martial arts organization's first-ever“Official Global Event Retail Partner.”The partnership, negotiated by IMG, will see Legends manage UFC retail shops at all events and fan experiences, both domestic and international.

  跨界活动美国街头潮牌美洲鹰在上星期进行了一场广告活动,该活动吸引了 WME | IMG 旗下众多客户参与。在名为“新美式牛仔裤”的活动中,IMG 超模 Bonner Bolton Halima Aden 以及 WME 客户 Joey Bada$$ 和 Amanda Steele 共同参与。平面广告由 Art +商业摄影师 Cass Bird 拍摄, 广告宣传片由 LENS 客户 Luke Gilford 摄制,拍摄妆容由 The Wall Group 客户 Frank B 打造

  Campaign Crossover American Eagle launched a new ad campaign last week, created by and featuring a host of talent from across the WME | IMG network. Titled The New American Jean, the campaign features IMG models Bonner Bolton and Halima Aden as well as WME clients Joey Bada$$ and Amanda Steele. Photos were shot by Art + Commerce photographer Cass Bird, and videos were shot by LENS client Luke Gilford. Makeup for the shoots was handled by Frank B, a client of The Wall Group.

  学院赞助 IMG 学院为科罗娜啤酒达成了与德克萨斯大学长角牛队的首个学院赞助。科罗娜的官方赞助身份将与最新口号“Horn's Up, Lime's In!”一同覆盖德克萨斯大学的足球、篮球和棒球项目,合作还将包括一个畅饮活动、客户款待、门票、长角牛队社交网络以及“前德克萨斯”校友社区的媒体曝光。

  College SponsorshipIMG College brokered the first-ever college sponsorship for Corona Extra with the Texas Longhorns. The new official sponsorship, launched with the tagline "Horn's Up, Lime's In!" will cover the University of Texas' football, basketball and baseball programs and will include a responsible drinking campaign, hospitality, tickets, media exposure on the Longhorn Network and access to the "Texas Exes" alumni community.

  体育出版今年夏季有三部客户出版的体育书籍在温布尔登网球空开赛前夕呈现在大众视野,包括由网球巨星 Judy Murray 创作的《Knowing the Score》;IMG 创始人Mark McCormack《What they Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School》的续集《Beyond Harvard》;以及网球明星 John Mcenroe 的自传《But Seriously》。

  Sports PublishingClients published three highly anticipated sports-focused books this summer in the lead-up to Wimbledon: Knowing the Score by tennis icon Judy Murray; Beyond Harvard, a sequel to IMG founder Mark McCormack's What they Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School; and But Seriously, an autobiography of tennis star John Mcenroe.

  新签约近日,WME 签约 hip-pop 歌手 French Montana,脑外科医生 Rahul Jandia 以及编写、制作和出演其处女作“Blame的电影创作者 Quinn Shephard。

  New SigningsWME signed hip-hop artist French Montana, dual-trained brain surgeon and neuroscientist Dr.Rahul Jandial, and filmmaker Quinn Shephard, who this year wrote, produced, starred in and made her feature debut, ”Blame.”


sports.sohu.com true 搜狐媒体平台 https://sports.sohu.com/20170711/n500807366.shtml report 12485 2017年7月11日第十八期蓝湾大师赛蓝湾大师赛正式宣布将于11月6-11日期间在海南三亚陵水县鉴湖蓝湾高尔夫球场举行。作为LPGA亚洲系列赛的压轴赛事,LPG