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阿尔卑斯同AC米兰达成战略合作 成官方指定用水

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  阿尔卑斯是来自于意大利的高端饮用水品牌,是ALPS ITALIA S.R.L授权许可在中国区域内生产并销售阿尔卑斯品牌饮品的公司,公司主营中高端天然饮用水业务。(意大利原装进口“ALPS天然矿泉水”,国产“阿尔卑斯饮用天然矿泉水”,“阿尔卑斯天然苏打水”)。而AC米兰作为意大利的老牌球队,历经了百年的风风雨雨后,已经发展成为了一支伟大的球队,是球迷心目当中不朽的红黑军团。在历史上,AC米兰总共获得了7次欧洲冠军联赛冠军和意大利超级杯、5次欧洲超级杯冠军、2次欧洲优胜者杯冠军、18次意甲联赛冠军等其他多项冠军。无论是意大利还是在中国,米兰都拥有着一批忠实的铁杆球迷。



  AC米兰同样对此次合作充满信心,其首席商务官洛伦佐·乔奥盖蒂(Lorenzo Giorgetti)表示到:”今天我们非常荣幸宣布与阿尔卑斯达成官方合作,在中国投资者入主米兰的这个新纪元下,阿尔卑斯成为了米兰新时代在中国的第一家官方合作伙伴。一方面,这次合作将会让AC米兰有机会把自己的品牌与中国矿泉水品牌领导者之一的阿尔卑斯关联起来,另一方面,阿尔卑斯也可以借助AC米兰战略合作伙伴的身份进入欧洲市场和全球市场。“

  AC Milan & Alpenwater announce multi-year partnership in Beijing

  Beijing, 13th October 2017.

  AC Milan football club, the Italian Serie A professional football club, officially announced a multi-year strategic cooperation with Alpenwater, a natural mineral water brand, which becomes the official partner of AC Milan. Alpenwater will become the official water of AC Milan and will work with AC Milan in Italy and Greater China to customized marketing campaigns and promote this partnership through various assets to reach a win-win situation.

  The partnership announcement has been sealed during the AC Milan China Resource Sharing Seminar which was held today in Beijing by Milan China, the new branch of AC Milan in China.

  The same Brand aspirations and common target consumers greatly facilitate this cooperation. Alpenwater is a premium drinking water brand originated from Italy and targets Chinese market. Its main products include ‘Alpenwater’, a series of natural mineral water made in China, ‘ALPS’, a series of natural mineral water imported originally from Italy and ‘ALPS’, a series of health drinks. Founded in 2004, Alpenwater has already set up its offices in more than 30 cities in China, dedicating to the development and production of the best portable water and health beverages. As an Italian historical club, AC Milan is a great club with more than a hundred years glory, which marked as eternal Rossoneri in the hearts of fans. In terms of club glories, AC Milan won seven European Champions League championships and League Super Cup, five European Supercup, two Cup Winner’s Cup, eighteen Serie A League titles and other championships. Both in Italy and China, Milan has a group of loyal and hard-core fans.

  Alpenwater and AC Milan chose each other because of the shared values and global objectives; AC Milan huge global fan base, the club tradition and image match perfectly the brand vision of Alpenwater of pursuing excellence. This strategic partnership covers the use of brand image rights to promote Alpenwater mineral water, on-site exposure and product placement, digital media exposure and other related sponsorship rights. Through this partnership, Alpenwater and AC Milan will undertake a series of online and offline marketing activities and advertising campaigns to enhance brand awareness, and thus activate target consumers effectively. The partnership is an important step for both parties to move globally. Alpenwater will support AC Milan to promote the club in China, in the meanwhile, AC Milan will assist Alpenwater to establish and enhance the brand favorability among consumers.

  As for this cooperation, Mr. Zhao Lei, General Manager of Alpenwater said: “AC Milan is a club with legendary history, which is very special to Chinese fans. We are very honored to be partnered with AC Milan, especially to be the first partner of AC Milan in China under the new era of Chinese owner. We will strive for a more sustainable success at both brand and products levels, making our consumers understand the true value of our brand. At the same time, we hope that we could also help AC Milan make more connection with Chinese fans in a localized and multidimensional way. In addition, we will also try our best to help fans have more opportunities to get closer with their favorite team.”

  “Today we are proud to officially announce this partnership with Alpenwater, which joins our Official Partners group as the first agreement with Chinese company under the new era of the Club with Chinese investors.

  On one side, this partnership gives AC Milan the opportunity to link his brand to one of the leading company in the mineral water sector operating in China; on the other, allows Alpenwater to use AC Milan as the perfect strategic partner to enter key markets, both in Europe and worldwide.” Lorenzo Giorgetti, AC Milan Chief Commercial Officer addressed.

sports.sohu.com true 搜狐体育 https://sports.sohu.com/20171013/n517651375.shtml report 5823 2017年10月13日,天然矿泉水品牌阿尔卑斯宣布与意大利甲级联赛足球俱乐部AC米兰达成多年战略合作,成为俱乐部官方合作伙伴及米兰官方指定饮用水品牌。阿尔卑斯将
(责任编辑:韩阳 US005)



