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Beckham's wife: He's never been unfaithful
SPORTS.SOHU.COM  2004年5月27日07:54  中国日报
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  David Beckham's wife says in a magazine interview that her husband has never been unfaithful to her, despite the claims of two women who said they had affairs with him.

  "Through all of this, I feel really sorry for David because it's his name that's been dragged through it, and he's done nothing wrong," Victoria Beckham is quoted as saying in the July issue of Marie Claire magazine, which goes on sale in England on Thursday.

  "I really do believe that deep down that I have the most faithful husband I could hope for," the former Spice Girl was quoted as saying in excerpts of the interview that the magazine released Monday.

  "He's always been faithful and nothing has changed at all. I can honestly say that I am really lucky to have him."

  Beckham's marriage appeared to be in trouble when a woman who used to work as a personal assistant for his former agent said she had an affair with the soccer star. She went on TV in England and sold her story to British tabloids.

  Reports of another alleged affair also surfaced.

  The Beckhams, who have two sons, Brooklyn and Romeo, have said their marriage is sound.

  The reports led to speculation that David Beckham would leave his Real Madrid soccer team and return to England with the Chelsea club since his wife was spending a lot of time at home.

  But Beckham recently decided to stay with the Spanish club for the three remaining years on his contract. Victoria has said she would move to Madrid with their two sons.

  In the Marie Claire interview, Victoria is asked whether her ties with the wealthy, world-famous soccer player have become a marriage of convenience or a business arrangement.

  "I couldn't live like that," she is quoted as saying. "I couldn't live a lie, and it would be unfair on our children. We are working on things together, but our marriage is absolutely not a business arrangement."


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