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Olympic torch arrives in Beijing
SPORTS.SOHU.COM  2004年6月8日06:08  中国日报
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 All-star NBA basketball star Yao Ming is expected to join and finish the Beijing leg of 2004 Athens Olympic Games torch relay which starts Wednesday in the Chinese capital, Beijing Olympic organizers announced Monday.

  The Houston Rockets centre will be the last of the 148 torch bearers to run in the more-than 55 kilometre Beijing section. Yet the organizers said they still need to speak to several related organizations before the Chinese sports hero can participate in the first global Olympic torch relay.

  Ya Zaiqing, an International Olympic Committee (IOC) member and a top Chinese sports official who serves as the vice-president of Chinese Olympic Committee, will be the first bearer.

  The 148-member list contains people from all walks of life, including many sporting and entertainment celebrities. Besides Yao, Chinese table tennis legend Deng Yaping; Luo Xuejuan, triple women's breaststroke world title holder; Yang Ling, two-time Olympic shooting champion; and Tian Liang, the Olympic and world diving champion, are other noted sporting names.

  Sang Lan, the former Chinese gymnast who was paralyzed after a fall from the vault warm-up during the 1998 Goodwill Games in New York, will be a representative of disable people in the relay.

  "It is a kind of thrill to join in such an important moment,'' said Sang who is a TV hostess now. "I am very excited.''

  The eternal flame will arrive in Beijing early morning today. It will be carried to the Great Wall after a brief hand-off ceremony in the Capital airport. The relay takes off the next day, starting from the Tian'anmen Square and ending at the Summer Palace.


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