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Olympic torch relay begins
SPORTS.SOHU.COM  2004年6月9日09:47  中国日报
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Luo Xuejuan of the Chinese women's swimming team holds the torch at the Temple of Heaven, a symbol of Beijing June 9. [Xinhua] 
Torchbearer Yu Zaiqing stands in front of the Great Hall of the People, holding the torch, before starting the Beijing leg of the global relay of the Olympic flame from Tian'anmen Square June 9, 2004. A total of 148 torchbearers took part in the 55km course from Tian'anmen Square to the Summer Palace on Wednesday. [Xinhua]
Residents wave to the Olympic torch beaer during the relay in Beijing June 9, 2004. The flame will travel to 33 cities in 34 days and for the first time reach all five continents. [Reuters]
Torchbearer Yao Ming holds the Athens Olympic torch at the last leg of the relay in Beijing in the Summer Palace June 9, 2004. A total of 148 torchbearers took part in the 55km course from Tian'anmen Square to the Summer Palace on Wednesday. [Xinhua]
Yu Zaiqing (left) lights the torch of the second bearer Ruan Ye (right), the national flag team, in front the Tian'anmen Rostrum June 9. [Xinhua]
Torchbearer Yu Zaiqing stands in front of the Great Hall of the People before starting the Beijing leg of the global relay of the Olympic flame from Tian'anmen Square June 9, 2004. A total of 148 torchbearers took part in the 55km course from Tian'anmen Square to the Summer Palace on Wednesday. The flame will travel to 33 cities in 34 days and for the first time reach all five continents. [Reuters]

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