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The notice of acquiring water in the process of marathon

SPORTS.SOHU.COM  2004年9月14日11:02  搜狐体育
页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭
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  In accordance with the track and field rules, in the long-distance running over 10 kilometers (including 10 kilometers) the conductor should set up drinking spots every 5 kilometers from the jumping-off point. Besides, there should a watering place between each drink spot. The whole amount of these spots can be larger according to different weather condition. That means there would be 8 drinking spots and 7 watering places in whole competition. This setting are of great meaning and significance for competitors to complement water and nutrition in time, and reduce the body temperature.

  1. it can be always seen that because some competitors are urge to get the drink inappropriately, collisions and fallings will be caused frequently, so that the results of the competitors will be negatively affected, and some even have to quit the game because of the injury.

  2. before the match, the competitors can draw a plan about the water used in the process of marathon in advance according to the current temperature. Generally speaking, competitors need to have water when they run about 20~30 kilometers. If it is too hot, they can make their decision any time in the process in conformity to their own feeling.

  3. before getting the water, the competitors should keep calm, in conformity to their position they make the determination appropriately. When the runners are in the leading position, they can pick up their rhythm; swiftly get close to the drinking spots, get the drinks using the right hands rapidly. When they are with many runners, they can slow down, looking for the right time to get the water. Remember do not snatch the water, and do not get the water using the left hands as well, because many of the accidents are caused by it.

  4. if the runner are playing with some of his/her friends, they can plight before the competition that in the precondition that they do not obey the rules they can get water for their friends who do not have water as many as possible.

  5. competitors should decide the time spots and the proper quantity of water they need in the competition. That they know everything fairly well can be favored in the process.


页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭


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