拉夏恩‧麦克丹尼尔(LaShun McDaniel),1989年毕业于北卡罗莱纳州的圣奥格斯汀大学并在毕业后成为NBA球员。在NBA四年的生涯中,麦克丹尼尔先后在奇才、拓荒者、活塞和黄蜂队效力。2002到2004年间,带领斯塔特慕拉队连续三年拿下冠军,并在2004年加入了意大利国家男篮的教练团,带领意大利的国家队在雅典奥运会取得亚军。
McDaniel, a former professional player with NBA experience in Wizard, Blazer and Piston, and considerable international experience in China, Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, France, Portugal, Italy and Spain, has also coached at the professional level in Italy. A graduate of Saint Augustine College, North Carolina, where he was both an NCAA All-American Division II player and Student Athlete Award Recipient.
"We have a group of very talented young men who have a desire to improve their skills and compete at a very high level. My thing is teaching; we'll work very well together and we will be competitive in the ABA." stated McDaniel.