Date December 9-11,2005
City/Country Fuzhou,China
Venue Fuzhou Gymnasium
To be eligible to qualify for the 2005 Volkswagen Pro Tour Grand
Finals,players must take part in Pro Tour events in at least three continents or
take part in at least six Pro Tour events anywhere.
16 players in singles and 8 pairs in doubles qualify for the Pro Tour Grand
The top 15 men and 15 women who have accumulated the largest number of
points ITTF Pro Tour events will be invited to participate in the Pro Tour Grand
Finals. In addition, the ITTF will invite the man and woman who was has
accumulated the largest number of points in the ITTF Pro Tour from the
association hosting the Pro Tour Grand Finals. If a player from the host
association is already amongst the 15 invited player, then the 16 th player in
order will be invited.
The top 7men’s doubles pairs and 7 women’s doubles pairs who have
accumulated the largest naumber of points, as a pair, at ITTF Pro Tour events
will be invited to participate in the Pro Tour Grand Finals. In addition, the
ITTF will invite the men’s doubles pair and the women’s doubles pair that has
accumulated the largest number of points in the ITTF Pro Tour from the
association hosting the Pro Tour Grand Finals. If a pair from the host
association is already amongst the 7 invited pairs, then the 8 th pair in the
order will be invited. In the case that one player appears in two or more double
pairs, only the highest qualifying pair will be considered.
Players or pairs finishing equal on points for the last positions (15 th or
16 th in singles, 7 th or 8 th in doubles) will be decided by their position on
the current ITTF World Rankong list. If players or pairs are still equal on the
Ranking, reference will be made to the previous Ranking list, and so on.
主办单位 中国乒乓球协会
地址: 中国北京市体育馆路四号西门 邮编:100061
电话: 86—10 87183488,87183486
电子邮箱: ttchn@public.gb.com.cn ctta@sports.cn
承办单位: 福州市体育局
比赛地点 福州市体育馆
地址: 福州市台江区群众路70号 邮编:350003
电话总机: 86—0591 83307697, 833074967
传真: 86—0591 83350440
比赛奖金 总金额为
男子单打 女子单打 男子双打 女子双打
冠 军
亚 军
比赛器材 球台:双鱼
接待 为运动员提供免费食宿,时间是从12月7日至11日。其他费用(饭店房间服务费、洗衣、电话费等)自理。
随行人员 随行人员费用自理,到达时直接付给组委会。请备信用卡或者现金。
抽签 抽签和新闻发布会将于12月8日16:00(当地时间)在大酒店举行。所以运动员必须参加组委会新闻发布会暨抽签仪式。
参赛运动员 请见运动员名单