搜狐体育讯 2006杭州国际马拉松赛当天安排
2006 Hang Zhou International MarathonOn Event Schedule
赛事概况 Event Overview
2006杭州国际马拉松赛将于2006年11月5日(周日)早八点半在杭州黄龙体育中心东门鸣枪起跑, 终点设在黄龙体育中心西门广场。
The 2006 Hangzhou International Marathon will kick off on 5th, November, 2006, Sunday, at 8:30 am at East-gate of Huanglong Sport Center and finish at West-gate of Huanglong Sport Center. This year’s Hangzhou marathon is in its 20th year.
赛事亮点 Event Highlights
ü 今年除了组委会免费为每位选手和工作人员投保一份人身意外保费之外, 有200多名志愿者包括多名经过医疗急救培训的志愿者上岗在赛事当天为参赛者提供服务。
This year Organizing Committee will provide free health and accident insurance for all athletes and working staff. In addition on the event day, about 200 volunteers will be stationed to provide all possible assistance for all participants, some of them are trained in first-aid.
ü 赛事当天, 可以通过西湖之声电台收听杭州国际马拉松全程直播。
On the event day, there will be live broadcasting of the whole marathon by the Voice of Westlake Radio Station.
ü 设在黄龙体育中心西门广场的终点活动请来了数支活跃于杭州各大高校的乐队,为今年的马拉松增加了青春时尚动感的流行音乐元素,今年他们应组委会的邀请为本次马拉松带来免费的视听享受。
6-8 best bands from different universities in Hangzhou are invited by the event organizers to perform at the finish area in the West-plaza of Huanglong Sport Center. This will provide enhanced entertainment add for the runners and their families.
ü 本次马拉松的终点活动还包括一个精彩的马拉松文化展。
There’re also a splendid marathon culture exhibition.
ü CCTV5、江苏卫视、浙江卫视等电视台将对赛事进行新闻及专栏录播。
CCTV5 and other few satellite TV stations will broadcast the marathon.
官方合作网站 Official Partner Website
搜狐体育网 sport.sohu.com
赛制 Events
ü 42.195公里全程跑 Full Marathon 42.195 km
ü 21.0975公里半程跑 Half Marathon 21.0975 km
ü 13.8公里跑 Short Marathon 13.8km
ü 5公里马拉松 5km Marathon
ü 2.5公里迷你马拉松 2.5km mini Marathon
比赛关门时间 Event Closing Time
13:30 hrs
宣传口号 Event Slogan
“Nice route, happy life”
赞助商及合作单位 Sponsors & Partners:
ü 搜狐体育 Sohu Sports
ü 西湖之声 the Voice of West Lake Radio Station
ü 奥迪 Audi Auto
ü 雀巢饮用水 Nestle Water
ü 多威服装 Do-win
起点 Start
赛事安排 Event Schedule
地点 Starting Point 黄龙体育中心东门East-gate of Huanglong Sport Center
7:30-8:00 所有参赛人员凭号码簿入场检录
All participators check in and enter the starting point via their Number Bib
8:00-8:10 表演performance
Warm-up Exercises and body mechanics
8:10-8:30 开幕式,领导嘉宾讲话
Opening Ceremony, speech
8:30 浙江省副省长为所有选手鸣枪开跑
Vice President of Zhejiang Province, announces the beginning of Marathon via starting-gun
媒体安排 Media Schedule
Media Area lacates in inboard and outboard of North fence in Huanglong Sport Center.
8:25 媒体登车, 车辆停放在广场东侧外(详见广场平面图)
Media reporters go aboard. The media vehicles parks in outboard of east gate, in Huanglong Sport Center (Check square layout for more details)
8:30 媒体拍摄车出发 media vehicles leave
Please make sure to keep warm, since we only offer one truck to give more convenience for shooting.
起点, 如有任何问题,请随时联系八方环球:
For any questions about the Start, please feel free to contact us at Octagon:
联系人Contact:吕铁鹏/Simon Lv, 江琳 Shirley Jiang
手机Mobile: 13341106033/ 13601240364
终点 Finish
赛事安排 Event Schedule
终点地点 Finishing Point:黄龙体育中心东门广场The East Plaza of Huanglong Sport Centre.
颁奖 Award Ceremony
时间 Time: 10:30-12:30
ü 男女短程马拉松颁奖(前3名) Men/Women’s Short Marathon Award Ceremony (Top 3)
ü 男女半程马拉松颁奖(前3名) Men/Women’s Half Marathon Award Ceremony (Top 3)
ü 男女全程马拉松颁奖(前8名) Men/Women’s Full Marathon Award Ceremony (Top 8)
狂欢活动安排 Finishing Party Schedule
时间Time 描述 Description
8:00-14:00 马拉松文化展览 Marathon Culture Exhibition
9:30-10:00 现场音乐表演 Live Music Show
10:25-10:30 街舞表演 Live Dancing Show
10:30-10:40 短程马拉松颁奖仪式 short Marathon Awarding Ceremony
10:40-11:00 现场音乐表演 live Music Show
11:00-11:05 极限表演 X-game Show
11:05-11:30 现场音乐表演 live Music Show
11:30-11:40 半程马拉松颁奖仪式 Half Marathon Awarding Ceremony
11:40-12:30 现场音乐表演 live Music Show
12:30-12:40 全程马拉松颁奖仪式 Full Marathon Awarding Ceremony
12:40-13:00 现场音乐表演 live Music Show
13:00 全部活动结束 Close
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搜狐短信 | 小灵通 | 性感丽人 |
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