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成功申办2012年奥运会以来 伦敦让体育更受瞩目

    搜狐体育讯 自从伦敦成功申办2012年奥运会以来,媒体对于体育便越发关注了。今年夏天,人们对英澳板球系列锦标赛的热情空前高涨。人们对这个英国传统的夏季赛事的关心已经超过了无所不在的足球。

英国的板球球星Andrew 'Freddie' Flintoff则成为英国最受瞩目的运动员。

  作为英国体育的赞助机构,英国体育委员会计划开展一项迄今为止规模最大的调查,将对35万英国人参加体育活动的情况进行调查。英格兰体育委员会主席Roger Draper称:“我们不断努力将英国建设成为一个积极而成功的体育大国,此项调查将是这一进程中的主要部分。”




  当然免不了要提到鲁尼——不过不是球星韦恩•鲁尼,而是马丁•鲁尼。因其世界田径锦标赛的4 x 400米接力比赛中的出色表现,人们称他为体坛最璀璨的新星。他将会成为2012年奥运会的金牌得主吗?已经捧得金牌归的一位是英国女王的孙女扎拉•菲利普斯。不久前,她在为期三天的欧洲全能马术锦标赛中获得了冠军。当然,她的宝贝坐骑Toytown功不可没。




  Raising the profile of sport

  London's successful bid to host the Olympic Games in 2012 has seen increased media interest in sport. This past summer has seen unprecedented interest in the Cricket Ashes series against Australia. The UK's traditional summer game is even rivalling the ubiquitous football in popularity. England's star player, Andrew 'Freddie' Flintoff, is one of the highest profile sportsmen in the UK.

  Sport England, the funding body for sport in England, is planning to carry out the biggest ever survey of participation in sport. 350,000 people will be questioned about their sporting activities. Roger Draper, Sport England Chief Executive said: 'This survey will form a major part of our continued quest to develop England as an active and successful sporting nation.’

  A sporting icon

  Golf and swimming are now two of the most popular participation sports, perhaps because they have the advantage of appealing to all ages and abilities.

  Boxing has had a lower profile, partly as a result of the sport rarely appearing on terrestrial television. But the return of the sport to peak time terrestrial television and the emergence of the young boxer Amir Khan, has led some to predict a resurgence of interest. Khan won a silver medal in the 2004 Olympics and has become something of an icon for young British Asians.

  In tennis Andy Murray, from Scotland, has seen his world ranking rise from 400+ to 99 in a few months.

  The other Rooney

  And then of course there is Rooney – no, not Wayne the footballer, but Martyn, whose performance in the 4 x 400 metres relay at the World Athletics Championships, led many to name him as the sport's brightest young prospect. Could he be an Olympic medal winner in 2012?

  Someone who is already a medal winner is Zara Phillips, grand-daughter of the Queen, who has recently won the European Equestrian three day event championship on her horse, Toytown.


  November 2005


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