搜狐体育讯 关于泰勒梅
泰勒梅-阿迪达斯高尔夫(高尔夫新闻,高尔夫说吧)是处于全球领导地位的高尔夫球装备供应商,产品包括高尔夫球杆、球、服装、鞋和配件。TMaG旗下的重要品牌有TaylorMade、adidas Golf、Maxfli和Greg Norman Collection。
加里•亚当斯(Gary Adams)在1979年成立了泰勒梅公司。
从TaylorMade的发球杆和铁杆到Rossa的挖起杆,从Maxfli Noddle的高尔夫球到adidas Golf的高尔夫球鞋,TMaG不断的创新和对完美的追求,实现了其高质量承诺,泰勒梅-阿迪达斯高尔夫用品的高质量得到世界各地的高尔夫球选手的认可。
About TaylorMade
TaylorMade adidas Golf is the world’s leading provider of golfing equipment, including golf clubs, balls, clothing shoes and accessories. The key brands under the TMaG umbrella are TaylorMade、adidas Golf、Maxfli and the Greg Norman Collection。
TaylorMade was founded by Gary Adams in 1979. He was the first to promote the use of metal drivers, and in doing so completely revolutionized the golfing world. Since then, Taylormade has remained a pioneering force and tireless innovator, and has become the most popular brand of golfing equipment in the world today.
From TaylorMade drivers and irons to Rossa wedges, Maxfli Noddle golf balls to adidas Golf shoes, TaylorMade’s relentless creativity and commitment to excellence are a guarantee of quality that golfers everywhere recognize and understand.
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