阿迪达斯搜狐体育 > 综合体育 > 冰雪 > 滑雪动态 > 第六届红牛南山公开赛 > 赛事速递

选手介绍:瑞典选手Jakob Wilhelmsson个人资料

  Name: Jakob Wilhelmsson

  Birthday: 08.26.1981

  Home: Åre sweden

  Years Riding: 13

  Marital Status: Girlfriend

  Favorite music: listnig to all kind of music

  Favorite food: Moms food

  Favorite mountain: Åre

  How did you hear about the Nanshan Open: I heard from friends that the contest was fun and China was a cool place to see.

  Where else in Asia have you traveled: Taiwan

  What you think of China: It’s a big different from Sweden, I had a lot of fun last time I went.

  Best contest results

  1st The Daily Mail Ski and Snowboard Show, England (01)

  1st Red Bull Big Air, √Öre Sweden (02)

  1st Red Bull Big Air, Madonna di Campiglio Italy (03)

  1st Red Bull Big Air, √Öre Sweden (04)

  Best trick air and style, Seefeldt Austria (02)

  Best team at the battle, Falun Sweden (03)

  Best style at the battle, Falun Sweden (03)

  Best trick at Quiksilver slope style pro, Les Arcs France (04)

  2nd Big air, Oslo Norway (02)

  2nd Xbox big day out, Val d’Isere France (05)

  2nd Oakley stylewars, Falls Creek Australia (05)

  3rd The free air, Turin Italy (02)

  3rd European open big jump, Livigno Italy (03)

  3rd Board X, London England (03)

  3rd Nescafé championships, Leysin Switzerland (04)

  What would you do if you didn’t ride: I don’t know been snowboarding for to long to think about not riding.

  Sponsors: Quiksilver, Lib tech, level, 32


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