阿迪达斯搜狐体育 > 综合体育 > 冰雪 > 滑雪动态 > 第六届红牛南山公开赛 > 赛事速递

选手介绍:奥地利选手Peter Koenig个人资料

  Name:Peter Koenig

  Birthday:26th of April 1988

  Home:Fügen in Zillertal

  Years Riding:9 years

  Marital Status:single

  Music:All kind of music, can listen to everything. But mostly hip hop.

  Favorite food:Some big, good made Steak or a Schnitzel (Austrian and German kitchen) from my mum

  Favorite mountain:The whole Zillertal Terrain

  How did you hear about the Nanshan Open:

  Marco Smolla, who is coming aswell, told me about it when I was in NZ with him this summer and I got interested about it. Photographer Lorenz Holder asked me then if I want to join the competition and I’ am stocked to come now.

  Where else in Asia have you traveled:

  Never been to this country. That is why I’m so stocked to come, because its my first trip for me traveling to Asia.

  What you think of China:

  Actually to be honest. I didn’t thought that much about china. I just heard good stuff from this country wh,

  So will looking forward to come, see everything and learn something of your country.

  Best contest results:

  4th place at the air

  style rookie session 2006

  Forum Younglood Europe Final 2006


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