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搜狐体育讯 美国全挥PGA高尔夫(高尔夫新闻,高尔夫说吧)培训中心 青少年父母和初学者系列问答1——关于开始学球的时间
Greg Sheffield教练答:
> Greg Sheffield: A child should begin to take lessons when he or she demonstrates an interest to do so. When I have parents ask me that question I suggest they schedule 1 golf lesson. Shortly after the golf lesson the parent should take the child to the driving range. After the child has taken the lesson and visited the driving range you should ask the child what he/she would like to do next week. If the child says take a lesson then you do so. If the child had more fun hitting balls then that is what should be done. The bottom line with golf is that there are a very select few children that will ever turn out to be on Tour. Golf is the greatest game because you can play when you are 2 years old and you can play when you are 102 years old. It should be looked at as a game not a profession especially early in life. You are trying to create a child with a love of golf no a Tour pro. If down the road the child has the desire to dedicate his/her life to becoming a Tour professional great but if not at least they can get a lifetime worth of enjoyment from the game.
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Greg Sheffield 格雷格- 谢菲尔德
- 美国PGA
- 1997年,转职业
- Bloomington室内高尔夫俱乐部和 Bogies高尔夫俱乐部的业主
- 10年高尔夫教学经验
- 业余:2届奥古斯塔大学高尔夫校队 队长
- 教学理念:高尔夫球技的进步应来自于对高尔夫运动全面的了解,而不要局限于挥杆,尽管挥杆非常重要,然而短杆、球场攻略,心理锻炼,也同样重要。还有一个经常被忽视、但却同样重要的因素——调杆。大部分高尔夫球友所拥有的球杆,是并不适合他自己的球杆。
向美国全挥PGA培训中心问问题,请将问题发到:PGA@fullswinggolf.com. 最好中英文的。
* 全挥高尔夫模拟器是美国PGA Learning Center官方唯一指定的高尔夫模拟器。
* Copyright © Full Swing Golf. Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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