阿迪达斯搜狐体育 > 阿迪达斯搜狐体育部落 > 阿迪新闻

阿迪达斯绿茵联赛夏令营 外教布拉德的日记

Hi everyone!


    搜狐体育讯 Hope you enjoying the camp and that you are having as much fun as me:)


  This is my first time in China and everyone has been very friendly and has made me feel very welcome.


  We are lucky enough to be training at a 1st class facility and staying at a fantastic hotel and I‘m sure with these surrounding in beautiful Shanghai, coupled with great food and very enthusiastic coaches it will make for a unique and enjoyable experience for all attending this year’s adidas School Football Grassroots Program together with Coerver Coaching.


  Over the last few months I have been traveling to many countries; Norway (Rosenborg BK) , Italy (AC Milan) and Germany (FC Bayern Munchen) and now I have been working with our Chinese coaches to help to deliver a fun and challenging program for the week. Our aim is for every player to improve their individual skills and game understanding. So that when you leave on Sunday you will have had a fun week and also some tips on how you will be able to continue to improve when you are back at you home. You can show your family and your friends at you school what you have learned and maybe even help them to improve also!


  Yesterday we focused on lots of skills and speed work and with Finishing on goal and some Fast Break Attack! I have been taking notes on your performance in the trainings and the matches and I’m looking forward to today’s trainings and matches.


  Read more tomorrow!


  Yours in football,







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