阿迪达斯搜狐体育 > 中国体育产业高峰论坛 > 高峰论坛动态


    搜狐体育讯 2008中国体育产业峰会由中国境内最具有影响力的体育新闻杂志——体育画报中文版,中国本土最具规模的赛事管理公司——上海久事国际赛事管理有限公司以及中国第一所体育专业高等学府及知名的体育研究机构——上海体育学院联合主办。



  2008 Sports Industry Summit of China is held by China’s leading sports magazine, Sports Illustrated China ,China’s largest and most respected sports management company, Shanghai Juss Event Management Co., Ltd, and China's first sports professional college and research institution, Shanghai University of Sports. We are collaborating to bring together elites in the sports industry, including business executives, league representatives, marketing experts and media opinion leaders, as well as relevant government officials on one platform, where they will share their insights of the development of China’s sports culture and sports industry.

  The theme of this year is “Trends, opportunities, challenges and solutions of China’s sports industry and culture after the Beijing Olympics”. Speakers will approach the theme in depth from various angles including politics, the environment, business models, talent, marketing and communications.




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