搜狐体育讯 谷际庆先生于2007年12月起任上海久事国际赛事管理有限公司副总经理,分管久事赛事公司旗下主要体育赛事,包括F1中国大奖赛和网球大师杯赛的经营开发与赛事组织管理,新项目引进开发,以及场馆广告设施开发利用。同时,久事赛事公司作为中国2010年上海世博会特许产品高级零售赞助商,项目的谈判以及世博特许零售项目的具体运作都由在他的带领下进行。加入久事赛事公司之前,谷际庆先生还参与策划并执行了上海另一项重要体育赛事—上海国际田径黄金大奖赛。
Michael Gu
Vice President, Shanghai Juss Event Management Co., Ltd.
As Vice President of Shanghai Juss Event Management Co., Ltd, Michael Gu is responsible for business planning and developing of current sports events, including Formula One Chinese Grand Prix, ATP Tennis Masters Cup, and other new project initiative. After Juss Event becomes to be sole Senior Retail Sponsor of Expo 2010 Shanghai China, Mr. Gu is also heading retail project of Expo 2010 licensed products.
Michael Gu was a key person when first time Shanghai Golden Grand Prix, another international track and field events was held in Shanghai in 2005.
Prior to his experience in event management industry, Mr. Gu has been working in several international corporations, for instance, Philips, Ericsson, Sony Ericsson, Universal Music and so on, mainly focus on brand marketing, public relations, event management, and channel management.
Michael holds an MBA from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia.
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