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搜狐体育讯 国家体育总局 体育科学研究所体育社会科学研究中心主任 鲍明晓 先生
Mr. Bao MingXiao Director of Social Science Research Center
Sports Science Institute
Bao Mingxiao: Senior Research Fellow, and director of the Social Science Research Center, Sports Science Institute of the State Sport General Administration of Sports, Vice director of Chinese Association for Sport Industry; Standing director of Beijing Olympic economy committee; Consultant of Chinese Basket Association
His Publications include: The report of development for Chinese sport industry; Sport Industry: a Growth Point for Economy; The Interpretation of sport; Sport market: a new point for investment; The new edition of Sport Theory
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热点标签:NBA 姚明 火箭 易建联 杜丽 CBA 郭晶晶 王治郅 刘翔 殷铁生 郎平 全明星 麦迪 于芬 欧冠 弗老大 年龄门