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    搜狐体育讯 导读:乔纳森-费根,是休斯顿惟一一家日报《休斯顿纪事报》的首席篮球记者,也是整个赛季跑满全部比赛的惟一一位记者。 在国内许多做NBA的媒体中,费根的名字恐怕是最耳熟能详的了,因为他的稿件的翻译版本充斥在各大网站和报纸上,是绝对的火箭专家。近日乔纳森-费根已经签约搜狐体育,搜狐也是目前国内惟一一家获权使用费根专栏文章的媒体。在以后的日子里费根将通过搜狐专栏与广大中国网友一起进行交流。

  费根:火箭问题多多 阿泰是冠军拼版











  在火箭队前几周出现问题之后,要提醒大家的是赛季还很漫长,仅仅7场比赛并不能决定任何东西。是的,这一点我们必须清楚,赛季还很漫长。火箭队在9月份的时候不是一支具备冲冠实力的球队,我们以这样的方式来看待火箭队是不管用的。火箭队自己也一直说,他们的“工作仍在进展当中”,这一点现在没有人会有争议了。如果有人前面一直注意到火箭队所存在的问题,那么现在火箭队陷入困境,这种情形就不会让他感到那么惊讶了。(搜狐体育 孔孟飞英翻译)

  注:此稿件为乔纳森-费根独家提供搜狐体育  严禁转载



  By Jonathan Feigen

  In the euphoria that came with the Rockets’ wonderful off-season, few noticed the shortcomings they brought with them to the regular-season. They do now.

  Rick Adelman saw the problems. He recoiled at comparisons to the Celtics’ ‘Big Three.’ He lamented the obvious rustiness that came with the comebacks from off-season surgery to four starters, and the loss of Shane Battier for all of the previous and well into the regular season. He saw and pointed to the preseason struggles of his offense and how far it had to go.

  Rockets players did not fool themselves. They saw the same signs of trouble through the preseason and hoped that it could all come together in the final weeks before the season began when they had a schedule relatively free of preseason games, allowing them to try to go back to work.

  Rockets fans, giddy with the surprising addition of Ron Artest to provide the presumed missing piece of a championship-worthy team, did not notice any of this and did not want to hear about anything but a happy flight to glory.

  They could not be blamed. Fans of few teams have waited as long to be rewarded for their loyalty. The Rockets had not won a playoff series since 1997. Their regular-season success, including last season’s 22-game winning streak and 55 wins, offers a nice diversion, but also increases hopes for the post-season that for more than a decade had set up Rockets fans for the crash of disappointment to come.

  The return of Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady to relatively good health, the growth of Aaron Brooks and Carl Landry and the addition of Artest offered more than renewed hope. Skepticism was removed to the point that any warning signs of trouble to come were ignored, as if Rockets fans could not bear to even consider the possibility of another letdown.

  The problem, however, is that the reward of winning is much greater when the struggles along the way are understood. Building a great team, a championship-worthy team, does not happen only in the off-season. The Rockets really did have a terrific summer, signing Brent Barry, trading for Artest and locking up Landry. September, when Battier was found to be unable to comeback from his off-season ankle surgery, and October, when the preseason was so ragged, was not so successful.

  NBA teams rarely win, or at least don’t win consistently, because their rosters are better. Everyone has talent. Rather than better collections of players, they must be built into better teams.

  That has not happened yet with the Rockets. McGrady has been working his way back from his knee surgery, leaving him without the leg strength and confidence to take over games. The Rockets offense has been reduced to a mix of the starters being unsure and limited when running the motion that Adelman brought with him from his days running the prolific Kings and standing around, waiting for McGrady to initiate the offense around him.

  Normally, McGrady does trigger all sorts of scoring, but even before he went to Los Angeles and left with five points on 1 of 16 shooting in two games, he could not lift the Rockets’ offense around him. He had led the Rockets in scoring in the three games before hitting LA, but had not been able to lift the rest of the team. That let teams load up defensively on Yao, who fell into a slump nearly as deep. Artest still has not found his place, struggling with the balance of playing off McGrady and Yao, while still expected to take over at times.

  The Rockets offensive meltdown against the Lakers dropped them to 27th in the NBA in shooting percentage, making just 41.3 percent of their shots. They are 24th in scoring, averaging 93.57 points per game.

  This is not, however, the result of a few shooting slumps or McGrady’s balky knee. This all began in the preseason when the Rockets struggled but few seemed to notice.

  With the inconsistencies of the first few weeks, there have been reminders issued that it is a long season. Nothing is determined in seven games. That, however, was the point all along. It’s a long season. The Rockets were not a championship-caliber team in September. It does not work that way. They kept saying they were “a work in progress.” No one will argue now. The struggles would not be so stunning if anyone noticed them all along.



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