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搜狐特约专家费根:战绩很幸运 火箭需要变更好


    搜狐体育讯 导读:乔纳森-费根,是休斯顿惟一一家日报《休斯顿纪事报》的首席篮球记者,也是整个赛季跑满全部比赛的惟一一位记者。 在国内许多做NBA的媒体中,费根的名字恐怕是最耳熟能详的了,因为他的稿件的翻译版本充斥在各大网站和报纸上,是绝对的火箭专家。近日乔纳森-费根已经签约搜狐体育,搜狐也是目前国内惟一一家获权使用费根专栏文章的媒体。在以后的日子里费根将通过搜狐专栏与广大中国网友一起进行交流。







  “我认为我们在赛季度过半程之后取得25场比赛的胜利,这个结果还是不错的” 阿德尔曼主教练说,“我很希望那次22连胜的经历能够给我们带来一些实实在在的帮助,现在我们正在向着另外一个50胜前进,我们也遭受着疾病的冲击,不过我觉得这一切都还不错。当然,在下半个赛季,我们需要做的更好。”















  (搜狐体育 少东 译)

  By Jonathan Feigen

  Now all the Rockets have to do is put together another 22-game winning streak.

  Hey, it’s not like it never happened before. And last time it began immediately following a late-January home game against the Utah Jazz.

  So the chances are not great, but there could be another way to look at the Rockets’ season a few games past the mid-point.

  In a season with a schedule strikingly similar to the one before – loaded with tough road trips and playoff teams in the first half, but with a relatively light February – the Rockets are well ahead of last season’s pace.

  They have had Ron Artest limping and Tracy McGrady gimpy. They have been without Shane Battier for half the first half. They have had the sort of locker room drama – with teammates openly calling for more from McGrady – that they never had before.

  Yet, by the time the Rockets reached that home game against the Jazz, they had won 26 of 42 games with wins against the Celtics, Magic, Mavericks, Spurs, Jazz and Nuggets. After losing each of their first five games decided by five points or fewer, they have won four of the next five, including their recent 115-113 win against the Nuggets. They have found a stunning success story in Von Wafer. And for all their injuries, none are serious. McGrady and Artest could be back within a few games.

  ”I think winning 25 games halfway through with everything we’ve gone through is OK,” Adelman said. “I’m kind of hoping that 22-game win streak kicks in and that will really help us. To be on pace for 50 wins with the schedule we’ve had and the injuries we’ve had, I feel better about that. But I know we’ve got to do better in the second half.

  ”There’s nine teams bunched for a playoff run and someone’s going to get left out. So it’s good that you’re at this point now, but you’ve got to do better in the second half. I don’t know that we’re going to get back to that (22-game win streak) form. But we’ve gotten to be consistent in how we play. We’ve got to win games.”

  With that in mind, for everything the first half of the season was, it was both satisfactory and unsatisfying at the same time.

  The Rockets won at a good rate considering everything. They had 25 wins in the first 41 games just twice before since the championship seasons. A year ago, they were 22-19 at mid-season.

  The Rockets, however, were not built for the first half of a season or even the second half. This is a team expected to end the long post-season drought, not at 11 seasons without a move to the playoffs’ second round. The Rockets are not like other teams without playoff success. They have been considered good enough to win and to raise expectations, making the disappointment of each post-season failure more disappointing.

  While Tracy McGrady has been labeled for his failure to ever advance in the playoffs, Yao Ming, Shane Battier and the Rockets younger players, Aaron Brooks, Carl Landry, Luis Scola, Luther Head, Von Wafer have never gone anywhere, either. While they cannot be labeled, having barely begun their NBA careers, together they make up a team to be measured and defined by what happens later.

  That is not, however, an argument that these games do no matter. The playoffs have been called a second season, and in some ways they are, as the Rockets have painfully been reminded each season for a decade. But teams are not built in the playoffs. Momentum can grow, but teams almost always become in the regular season the teams they are shown to be in the playoffs.

  The Rockets 4-1 homestand improved their chances to reach the post-season. A team far too good to be excluded from the Western Conference playoffs will be. No team beyond the Lakers should assume they have post-season reservations.

  Beyond that, however, the homestand was a chance to improve. It was a chance to go into practices and games with the same group of 10 healthy players, and then to go back to work again.

  The Rockets had spent much of the first half of the season lamenting who was not playing. With a homestand devoid of such uncertainty, the focus moved to who way playing, and then building a better team for McGrady and Artest to join than the one they left.

  “Our challenge in the next few days,” Shane Battier said when the homestand began, “is to play at a high level so that when they return, it’s on them to reach our level. That’s our challenge. It’s a fun challenge. It’s easier to play with those guys. But we have to go out, establish a flow and play at a high level.”

  The next challenge is to add McGrady and Artest without sacrificing what they have gained. That could begin on the next road trip, but as with last season, now that the Rockets have gotten through the brutal-travel part of the schedule, they have time to get some practices in between games, and presumably to do both with the same players day after day. There is a chance to do what they did the past few weeks, to win and improve.

  The difference this season from last is that when they played the Jazz, Yao played and the Rockets won. Perhaps this time, then, the winning streak can reach 23.

  Still, 22 will do.

  “We’re fortunate to be where we are with everything that’s gone on,” Adelman said. “We have to try to get better. We have to get better and we have to win some game.

  “The guys have always come through and have been pretty resilient. We’re probably fortunate to be where we are. We have to go into this last half of the year and we have to be better.”




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