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费根搜狐专栏:火箭变身豪强? 仍需过客场考验


    搜狐体育讯 导读:乔纳森-费根,是休斯顿惟一一家日报《休斯顿纪事报》的首席篮球记者,也是整个赛季跑满全部比赛的惟一一位记者。 在国内许多做NBA的媒体中,费根的名字恐怕是最耳熟能详的了,因为他的稿件的翻译版本充斥在各大网站和报纸上,是绝对的火箭专家。近日乔纳森-费根已经签约搜狐体育,搜狐也是目前国内惟一一家获权使用费根专栏文章的媒体。在以后的日子里费根将通过搜狐专栏与广大中国网友一起进行交流。




视频:麦迪职业生涯恐终结 火箭开启无麦新时代












  这是火箭自从1971年迁入休斯敦后取得的最长的主场连胜,他们击败了几支这个赛季折磨过他们的差队,也搞定了几支优秀的球队——小牛、开拓者和骑士,并在丰田中心让 “小皇帝”詹姆斯和他的骑士彻底崩溃,让他们遭遇了本赛季最大的惨败。






  火箭已经在遇难后重新起飞,带着永远不再那般坠落的决心。(搜狐体育 风华)


  By Jonathan Feigen

  The Rockets were a wreck. More than beaten badly, by another losing team, they had been exposed and embarrassed.

  Worse than even all the losses to the teams stuck in last place, the Rockets had sauntered into Milwaukee, where Michael Redd, Luke Ridnour and Andrew Bogut were all out with injuries, and were blown off the floor. Tracy McGrady stumbled into a missed dunk, unable to get the ball above the rim, to give the collapse its signature moment. The Rockets allowed nine more points than in any game this season, even with the Bucks cruising to the finish.

  That seems so long ago now, as if a part of different team’s different season.

  It is not, of course. These Rockets, despite their revival, still carry that loss and others like it, as part of their past, particularly until they can show that their recovery is real by winning on the road. Yet, they seemed transformed.

  This is why a team should never be judged by a closeup snapshot, as would seem true when looking only at their homestand sweep as at the three road losses before.

  The uncertainty of McGrady’s health and ability to help was ended with his decision to undergo season-ending microfracture surgery. He could not move well enough to defend, did not score enough to make up for his deficiencies on the other end. His inability regularly play and work had been dragging the Rockets down and while the Rockets continued to give him the benefit of the doubt – hours before he announced McGrady microfracture decision, Rockets owner Leslie Alexander called McGrady “a superstar – McGrady could no more overcome his own doubt than the pain in his knee.

  The Rockets are a better team without the McGrady that had taken the court this season, even if they of course could use the player he was just a year ago. But their improvement was far from isolated to having McGrady removed.

  Even the subsequent deal, sending Rafer Alston to Orlando to make room for Aaron Brooks as much as to acquire Kyle Lowry was not the key to the turnaround.

  The Rockets did -- despite the popular assumptions made at the time and repeated in typical strenuous fashion by Charles Barkley this week – make those point guard changes with this season in mind. With McGrady no longer able to drive the offense from the backcourt, they believed they needed to move toward the more dynamic and better shooting Aaron Brooks. Alston brought veteran savvy and smart, energetic defense, but was too unreliable offensively for the way the Rockets had changed. Once they decided they would give the ball to Brooks, they also believed the change would not sit well with Alston. With a chance to get Lowry, whom they coveted since they could not land a pick to get him in the 2006 NBA Draft, they made a move they thought would help the team they have become.

  Still, none of that would have been enough had they not made more fundamental and essential changes.

  A year ago, they had prided themselves for being a fiercely competitive, defensive-devoted team. Those qualities, more than the offensive gifts of Yao Ming and McGrady, had fueled their run through the 2008 portion of last season, including the 22-game winning streak. But this season, amid all the lofty expectations, they seemed to assume the parts of the game that must be earned. And when they did have those qualities, they could not make them last from game-to-game, and sometimes not even from quarter to quarter, as if winning the hard way was just too difficult.

  Humbled by the road losses, they changed. They went to work on the practice floor and made their determination more than just talk.

  In the six-game homestand, Rockets opponents averaged 83.7 points, making 39.95 percent of their shots.The Rockets moved to seventh in points allowed per game, and fifth in opposing field goal percentage and 3-point percentage.

  It was the longest homestand they had swept since they moved to Houston in 1971. They blew out the sort of bad teams that had tormented them all season, and took care of the good teams – Dallas, Portland and Cleveland – completing the homestand with a rout of LeBron James and the Cavs, handing Cleveland its most lopsided loss of the season.

  There is still much to prove this season. They still must demonstrate they have conquered their road woes.

  “We kept talking about how we had to play and play harder and how we had to be more positive,” forward Luis Scola said. “We talked about how important it was to come home and win these games. We executed finally so it was very important. Now, we have one more thing to fix and that is how we play on the road. On the road we are a pretty mediocre team. I think we are under 500 on the road so that is the last thing we need to fix. So, we have two games. We need to go for them, both of them.”

  Should they handle that next line of their to-do list, they would still have their long post-season drought to remedy, having gone without a playoff series win for 11 seasons. For now, they look like a solid playoff team, playing the sort of defense and with the sort of determination that wins in the post-season. They also don’t have much margin for error, making their post-season potential extremely dependent on matchups.

  If they do, however, become the sort of team they had thought they would be all along, the will point to these weeks at home, to the homestand and their transformation

  “When we look back at this at the end of the year,” Shane Battier said, “it (the homestand) established our identity as a hard-working team and a team that plays great defense.”

  They did that by rising from the wreckage, with a determination to never crash so badly again.



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