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严厉教头的玩笑时刻 波波维奇语录尽显幽默细胞


  “如果不是吉诺比利,我们至少会少拿两个冠军。在我眼中,他就是这个世界的‘种马’(We would have two less championships here if it was not for Manu Ginobili. In my eyes, he’s the stud of the world.)。”


  “他找到一位房产经纪人,自己去看了很多房子,买了其中一幢,自己添置齐全所有家具,办了按揭,办好所有手续……做这些事的时候,他只有19岁。当我19岁的时候,我还不知道能不能自己找到出城的路呢。(He found a realtor, looked at homes, bought one and furnished it, got a mortgage and the whole deal, ... Did it all when he was 19. I don't know if I could find my way out of town.)”


  “9年之前,当我第一次去圣克罗伊岛(美属维京群岛中最大的岛)考察蒂米(蒂姆·邓肯的昵称)的时候,没有人告诉我要靠左面行车……我坐在自己租来的车上,开上路。当时我差不多向10个人做了猥琐手势,直到我明白过来,自己才是那个混蛋。(When I came down to St. Croix to see Timmy eight or nine years ago, nobody said a word to me (about driving on the left side), ... I got my rental car and I went out on the road, and I was gesticulating at like 10 people before I realized I was the jerk.)”


  “法国人能进来吗?(Can the Frenchman come in?)”


  “现在,如果一个月内,球员不能至少与人发生争执或者被驱逐出场一次,我就罚他们钱。我曾经试着将这条规则捅给媒体,但是人们还是不关注我们。之后我又定了几条规矩,球队中排名前四的得分手,每两个月要在MTV频道露一次面;以每个月为一个考察周期,罚球最烂的家伙,在有电视转播的比赛中,每打出一次好球,就要对着摄像机镜头,捶打自己的胸。也许这样我们就能有点知名度了。(Now, if a player does not have an altercation on or off the court once each month, we fine him. I've tried to get this into the press, but people won't pay attention. And, the guys who are our top four scorers, each of them will be required once every two months to appear on MTV. And the guys who shoot the worst free throws over a one-month period, the next time we have a TV game, they are required to look into the camera and beat their chests after they make a good play. I think then we will have a little bit different reputation.)”


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