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2012环岛大帆船赛竞赛规则 总奖金30万元人民币


Organizing Authority:

   2012 THIR is organized by the General Administration of Sport of China and Hainan People's Government, hosted by Chinese Yachting Association(CYA) and the Hainan Department of Culture/Media/Sports. The Organizing Authority, 2012 THIR Committee, is accompanied by the City Governments of Haikou, Sanya, andHainanSportsEventCenter.

   Date and Venue:

   The Regatta will be held on March 9-19th, 2012


  1. RULES

  The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 and including:

  The ISAF Offshore Special Regulations(OSR);

  The IRC Rules, Parts 1, 2 & 3 (IRC-C);

  Notice of Race with its amendments;

  The Sailing Instructions of 2012 THIR and its amendments.

  If there is a conflict between languages the English text will prevail.


  Competitors’ advertising displayed on hulls,sails, masts during the event shall be entirely in accordance with ISAF Regulation 20. Person in charge of the boat shall submit a copy of their National Authority advertising license to Organizing Authority with entry form when they bring own advertising. All the advertising shall be in accordance with local legislation and shall not conflict with the interest of sponsors of event. Organizing Authority may deny the entry of any boat which violates the legislation. Boats may be required to display advertising on the hulls and sails chosen and supplied by the organizing authority under ISAF Regulation 20.


  3.1 This Regatta is open to entries from local and international sailors(and crew) who may be representing a country/a city/a club (or simply an individual boat owner). The crew from Chinese mainland shall supply the certificate from CYA.

  3.2 Monohull boats of not less than35ftlength overall (LOA) excluding bowsprit and/or bumpkin and with full self-recovery ability are eligible.

  3.3 Multihull boats are not eligible.

  3.4 Be compliance with ISAF Offshore Regulation Category 3, .

  3.5 When boats register in, Race committee will check the equipments and qualify sailors.

  3.6 For safety reason Organizing Authority may install tracing device on each boat.

  3.7 For foreign crews to be permitted to land at China Mainland, a validChinaentry visa is required for each person.

  3.8 Each boat can has 5-8 sailors on board(for racing boats shall have the required number of sailors) and 1 assistant ashore while there is at least one helmsman who have the experience of offshore race as skipper and other four crews having the experience of offshore race. For registration the sailing resume and personal certificates as a sailor or skipper of these five crew members shall be available to the Organizing Authority.


  4.1 IRC Racing Class with 5-8 boats will sail around the wholeHainanIslandfor offshore race. The start of offshore race will be at Sanya after 2 days' in-port races. There will be offshore race stop atHaikoufor 2 days with in-port races. The finish of offshore race will be at Sanya as well. The whole length of offshore race course will be 470nm.

  4.2 IRC Cruising Class with 12-18 boats will have in-port races in Sanya for 2-4 days only and then departure.

  4.3 Organizing Authority will allocate the class of Racing or Cruising for boats enrolled according to their IRC rating and will may alter the classification at the discretion of it.


  5.1 Registration time: from Jan.1st to Feb.1st , 2012.

  5.2 Eligible boats may register by completing the Regatta Entry Form, and sending it together with a copy of a valid IRC rating Certificate, Certificate of Ownership, Operating License and Master’s/or Skipper's certificate and CYA Certificate(required for local teams only) to the China Yachting Association(CYA) office by Feb.1st 2012 through FAX/or email while hard copy is required by mail. The registration materials of each boat shall be submitted independently to CYA.

  5.3 The registration will be only valid when confirmed by CYA

   China Yachting Association office:

   8th Floor,WeituBuilding,Beijing, Zip:100061

   Tel: 8610-67112850, Fax: 8610-67112793

   CYA Contact: Mr.Min Zhang, Email:zhangmin77103@163.com

   Registration Contact: Mr.Xinjian Zhu, Email:zhuxinjian2008@126.com

   Mr.Peng Kang, Email:kpeng@163.com

   for foreign teams, please contact: Mr.Tony(Qidong) Lu, Email:tonylu007@126.com

  5.4 The following restriction on the number of boats apply: totally 23 eligible boats can be acceptable. First come first served.

  6. FEES

  6.1 Required fee is as follows: RMB5,000/or US$800 entry fee for each boat/team.

  6.2 Other fees: all the accommodation including hotel rooms, meals and transportation between harbour and hotel for registered boats and passengers within the regatta will be paid by Organizing Authority. The cost of passengers who are not on the formal confirmed entry list from Organizing Authority will be on their own.


  7.1 Dates of racing:

  Date Time Event

  Mar.9 Arrival of boats and teams into regatta

  Mar.10 1000-1600h Registration, Boats Inspection, Crew member Qualification

   1600h Skipper's Meeting

  Opening Ceremony

  Mar.11,12 1000h In-port racing Sanya, for both Racing and Cruising Class

  Mar.13,14 1000h In-port racing Sanya, for Cruising Class only

  Mar.13-14 0830h Western Segment of Offshore race from Sanya toHaikou, for Racing Class only

  Mar.15 Break Day

  Mar.16 1000h In-port racingHaikou, for Racing Class only

  Mar.17-18 0830h Eastern Segment of Offshore race fromHaikouto Sanya, for Racing Class only

  Mar.19 Break and Closing Ceremony

  Mar.20 Departure

  7.2 The total racing days for Racing Class is 10 days, for Cruising Class is 2-4 days. All the registered boats and crews can go to Sanya to have practice and prepare boats. Early arrivals will be charged by themselves. Please contact Hainan Sports Event Centre for help when necessary.

  7.3 All the schedule maybe changed as further notice amendment issued by Organizing Authority.


  Each boat in IRC class shall produce a valid IRC rating certificate.

  In addition the following measurements will be taken: ISAF OSR Category 3 compliance.


  The sailing instructions will be available prior the regatta at THIR Race Committee inHaikou.

  10. VENUE

  10.1 The location of the regatta harbour and offshore race course(see SI)

  10.2 The location of the in-port racing areas(see SI).


  The courses to be sailed will be as Sailing Instructions states.


  12.1 The Scoring Penalty, rule 44.3, will not apply to breach of RRS Part II.

  12.2 For all the classes rule 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.

  12.3 The Jury will be constituted according to the App.N of the RRS. Decisions of the jury will be final as provided in rule 70.5.


  13.1 The Low Point System of RRS Appendix A will apply.

  13.2 For IRC Classes the elapsed time of each boat will be adjusted by its IRC handicap to establish the ranking.


  14.1 Boats shall be kept in their assigned places in the harbour.


  Keelboats shall not be hauled out during the regatta except with and according to the terms of prior written permission of the race committee.


  Underwater breathing apparatus and plastic pools or their equivalent shall not be used around keelboats between the preparatory signal of the first race and the end of the regatta.


  VHF Channel 72 will be official contact to Race Committee. The VHF Channel 77 will be as backup.

  18. PRIZES

  Prizes will be given as follows:

  Trophies to the first 3 boats of each class.

  Certificates of Successful Attendees for rest boats.

  The Organizing Authority will award totally RMB300,000 incash to boats. RMB120,000 init will be for in-port races, and RMB180,000 for offshore races.


  Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. RRS Rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority and all its related members, including sponsors, race officials and staffs will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.


  Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance . Every sailor and passenger shall have personal accidental insurance with a minimum cover of RMB500,000 per event or the equivalent. All the insurance of each boat and sailor/passenger shall be fully effective during the regatta and should be available to the Organizing Authority with original and hard copy when entering the regatta.

  21. CORRESPONDENCE: THIR Organizing Authority

   2012THIR Committee Office:HainanSports Event Centre

   Tel: 86-898-36689316; Fax: 86-898-36689318

   Contact: Mr.Fangyong Liang Email: 421349307@qq.com

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