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Sohu首页 > 体育频道 > 中国搜狐登山队攀登珠峰行动 > ENGLISH
'2003, stand at the third pole'
2003年4月1日18:57  搜狐体育

  "2003, stand at the third pole"-- memorial mankind ascent of Everest on the 50th anniversary"


  "This time, our country's Mountain Climbing Brigade captain is the famous alpinist --Wang Yongfeng ,who has ascended the greatest mountains on seven continents. And now he is the Subaltern Secretary-General of China Mountain Climbing Association. Most members in the team have the mountain climbing records above 7000 meters. The mountain climbing brigade will complete the mission with the help from the coaches and members of the National team and Tibet climbing school. The mountain climbing brigade members will be divided to several groups, and they plan to go to the base camp of Everest in different times (groups). The last group will fly to Tibet on March 29."


  "In order to completely report the action of 2003 China mountain climbing brigade climbing Everest, introducing modern mountain climbing sport and our country climbing mountain athletic development, developing the spirit of braving quest and challenging extreme limit, SOHU news center will make use of the network advantage of itself, being used as the exclusive network report media in Chinese, the whole broadcast will last 60 days. CCTV will organize exclusively an excellent report team being constituted by 83 people and will create a large live program "2003, standing at the third pole". CCTV will report the actual condition of China mountain climbing brigade climbing Everest through installing the Mini DSNG satellite earth station in the elevation 6500 rices [meters?] on May 18 to 24th. The program will be showed on CCTV channel one, channel four, channel five, channel ten and the news channel during seven days 10:00-12:00 (10:00--14:00 on May 24). This will be the most large-scale and continuous live-broadcast ascend at elevation 6000 meters above in the television history."


  "At the same time, make use of the audiences' anticipation about the affairs progress, CCTV will show the programs concerning the history of climbing Everest and human adventures, introducing systematically the equipment, technique and theories knowledge of relevant mountain climbing sport, the method of modern mountain climbing sport, etc. Peking studio will invite famous alpinists to answer the phones from the mountain climbing fanciers all over the country.




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