> The Sixth East Asian Games > Official News
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The Sixth East Asian Games Tours

第1页 :Tours


  1, Tianjin One Day City Tour

  Price:USD65 per person

  2, Tianjin One Day Excursion

  Price:USD120 per person

  3, Tianjin By Night

  Price:USD50 per person

  4, Beijing One Day Tour

  Price:USD130 per person

  5, Beijing Tour(2 days)

  Price:USD260 per person

  6, Shanghai & Suzhou Tour (2 Days)

  Price:USD620 per person

  7, Xi'an Tour(3 days)

  Price:USD600 per person

  Download East Asia Games 2013 Tour Booking Form

  *Note: The above rate is subject to 10 persons and more.

  The tour will be cancelled if the group is less than 10 persons. The private tour rate (less than 10 persons) will be re-quoted due to the number of the tour participant.

  Please Contact: Ms. Yang 13821231751 or 58559525

  Ms. Cai 13602098681 or 58559522

  Mr. Zheng 13502129006 or 58559520

  E-mail: zhengwei@tj-cits.com

  Fax: 58559530

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 下一页
sports.sohu.com true 搜狐体育 https://sports.sohu.com/20131006/n387649184.shtml report 12468 Tours*****Tours*****1,TianjinOneDayCityTourPrice:USD65perperson2,TianjinOneDayEx


  • 热点视频
  • 影视剧
  • 综艺
  • 原创


